Saturday, December 15, 2018

What does 정려문 (旌閭門) mean?

ANSWER: gates or structures erected by the royal court during the Joseon Kingdom to acknowledge the filial piety of people and families

정려문 (旌閭門) literally means a [royally] bannered (旌) village (閭) gate (門). It can refer to both gates or shines erected by the Joseon court to commemorate a person in a village who had lived an exemplary life as a devoted son, daughter-in-law, or wife. They were also erected to commemorate people who were recognized as loyal servants to the royal court.

If such a structure were erected as a gate to a house or to a village, it would have probably been referred to a 문(門), but if it were erected as a separate roofed structure built as a shine, it would have probably been referred to as 각(閣). A shine labeled 孝子閣 (효자각) would have been commemorating a devoted son, one labeled 孝烈閣 (효열각) would have been commemorating a devoted son and daughter, and one labeled 烈女閣 (열녀각) would have been commemorating a devoted wife.

The following video tells the story of a village that had four gates or shines that were accidentally burned down by children who were trying to catch birds.

"새 잡다 소실된 정려각 설화"
"A Tale of Bannered Shines Lost to Fire Because of Bird-Catching"

옛날 조선 시대 오류동은 효자 마을로 명성이 높았어요. 곳에 살던 윤씨 집안에서는 효자들이 줄을 이어 나왔고 조정에서는 이를 칭찬하기 위해 정려문(旌閭門) 실나 보냈답니다.
During the time of the Joseon Kingdom, Oryu-dong was highly renowned as a village of devoted sons. It is said that the royal court sent as many as four bannered gates there to honor the fact that the Yun family, who lived in the village, had successive generations of devoted sons.
그러던 어느 동네 개구쟁이들이 정려문 근처에서 새를 잡기 위해 불을 놓게 되었어요. 정려 가계(家系) 그만 큰불이 나버렸고 정려문이 무두 불에 사라져 버렸어요. 마을의 정려문은 모두 사라졌지만 효도 정신은 지금까지도 지켜 내려오고 있답니다.

Then one day, mischievous children in the village set fire to an area near the bannered gates in an attempt to catch birds. The family lineage of the bannered gates was soon engulfed in flames. All four of the bannered gates were burned to ashes. Though the bannered gates of the village have all disappeared, it is said that the spirit of filial piety continues in the village even today.

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