Sunday, December 23, 2018

What does 온천 mean?

ANSWER: hot spring

온천 (溫泉) literally means hot (溫) spring (泉), and 온수골 (溫水골) literally means hot (溫) water (水) valley (골 = 골짜기) or hot water village.

The video below tells the story of a hot spring that was once in a place called Onsu Valley (온수골), which supposedly was an area near the Onsu subway station in Bucheon City. It was rumored that the flowing water from the hot spring in the area would help people with skin diseases if they bathed in the water. However, residents of the nearby village supposedly did not like people with skin diseases, which may have included lepers, coming into their neighborhood, so they plugged up the spring with dirt and stones to stop the flowing water and, thereby, stop people with skin diseases from coming to their neighborhood. Though they later regretted their decision to plug up the spring and tried to find it again, they were never able to do so.

“온수골의 온천 유래 설화” 
“The Tale of the Onsu Valley Hot Spring"

예로부터 온수골은 아주 효능이 좋은 온천수가 흐르는 곳으로 유명했어요. 온천수에 효능이 좋다는 소문이 전국으로 퍼지자 피부병 환자들이 온수골로 몰려들었답니다. 

Since ancient times, Onsu Valley had been famous for having a hot spring that had flowing water with very good medicinal properties. It is said that when rumor spread of the hot spring and the good medicinal properties of its water, skin disease sufferers from across the country flocked to Onsu Valley. 

그런데 마을 주민들은 피부병 환자들이 오는 것이 아주 싫고 불쾌했어요. 심지어 흘러 넘친 온수가 논에 극심한 피해를 주어서 농사를 망치게도 했어요. 

But village residents were uncomfortable with and very much disliked the coming of people with skin diseases. Even worse was that the overflowing hot water was seriously damaging the rice fields and ruining agriculture. 

화가 난 마을 주민들은 온천수를 흙과 돌로 막아 버렸답니다. 

It is said that angry villagers completely plugged up the hot spring with dirt and stones. 

시간이 흘러 마을 주민들은 자신들의 잘못을 뉘우치게 됐어요. 그리고 다시 온천수를 찾아 나섰지만 영영 온천수는 찾을 수 없었답니다. 

It is said that as time passed, the villagers realized they had made a mistake and came out to search for the old spring, but they were never able to find it again.

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