Thursday, December 31, 2020

What does 목적 (目的) literally mean?

 ANSWER: eye (目) target (的)

My Korean-English dictionary defines 목적 (目的) as "an object," "a purpose," "an aim," "an end," "a goal," or "an intention," but the Chinese characters that form the word literally means "eye (目) target (的)."

So, how did "eye (目) target (的) " come to mean, "aim," "purpose" or "goal"?

One story is that a long time ago, a man was looking for someone to marry his daughter and decided to have an archery contest to choose the man among the many suitors. The winner would get to marry his daughter. The "target" used in the contest was a peacock feather, and the suitors were supposed "to aim" for the "eye"-like pattern on the feather. As a result, 목적 (目的), or "eye target," supposedly came to mean "aim" or "goal."

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

Friday, December 25, 2020

What does 육덕진 몸매 literally mean?

 ANSWER: a figure with fleshy virtues

The Chinese character 肉 (육) means "meat" or "flesh," and 德 (덕) means "virtue," so 육덕 (肉德) literally means "fleshy (肉) virtues (德)." Since 지다 means "to become," and 몸매 means "figure," the phrase 육덕진 몸매 literally means "a figure with fleshy virtues," suggesting that the figure is fleshy in the right places.

If a person has flesh or fat in the right places, the person may be considered sexy, but if the flesh or fat is in the wrong places, the person may be considered fat.

If you type 육덕진 몸매 in Google and then choose "Images," you can see HERE what "a figure with fleshy virtues" generally looks like. WARNING: Some images may be too fleshy.

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Is there a good, free, online book for studying intermediate-to-advanced-level Korean?

 ANSWER: Well, THIS BOOK seems pretty good, but it is not a self-study text since there are no answers to the questions. There is a vocabulary list in the back, though, and the readings are fun.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

What does 배발 mean?

 ANSWER: stomach (배) foot (발)

How many feet does a snail have? Only one, its stomach; and Koreans refer to that part of a snail as 배발, which literally means "stomach (배) foot (발)."

By the way, 배발이 is also slang for "a food delivery person" (음식 배달꾼).

And for those of you who have pet snails, here is a Korean video that gives you some tips on how to care for them.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

What does 굴지 (屈指) literally mean?

 ANSWER: bending fingers

굴지 (屈指) literally means "bending (屈) fingers (指)" but translates as "counting on one's fingers." Why? Because instead of starting with a fist and opening one finger at a time to count, Koreans start with an open hand and "bend" closed one finger at a time.

굴지 also means "eminence" or "prominence." Why? Because we generally have only ten fingers, so if a person is counted among the top ten at what he or she does, that person is one of the best at what he or she does.

From Dong-A's Prime Korea-English Dictionary

Saturday, December 19, 2020

What English word does 구락부 sound like?

 ANSWER: Club?

구락부 (俱樂部) is a somewhat outdated Sino-Korean word for "club." It literally means "together (俱) enjoy (樂) group (部)," which can translate as either "club," "clubhouse," "fraternity," or "sorority." The word was created not only to represent the meaning of the word "club," but also to sound similar in pronunciation. Today, however, younger Koreans tend to say and write 클럽 (club), which is closer in pronunciation to the English word.

By the way, the Sino-Korean word for Europe is 구라파 (歐羅巴), which was created by the Chinese to sound similar to "Europa," the name of a Phoenician princess in Greek mythology from whom the continent of Europe gets its name. The Chinese pronunciation of the characters are similar to 어우 (歐) 로 (羅) 바 (巴), which sounds closer to the English pronunciation of "Europa" than the Korean does. The Chinese characters can literally translate as "vomit (歐) spreading (羅) snake (巴)," though maybe that was not the intended meaning. 

From Dong-A's Prime Korea-English Dictionary

Friday, December 11, 2020

What does 초고 (草稿) literally mean?

 ANSWER: grass [and] rice straw

My Dong-A Prime Korean-English dictionary defines 초고 (草稿) as "a rough copy," "a draft," "notes," or "a manuscript," but the word literally means "grass (草) [and] rice straw (稿)." Moreover, when I look up 초 (草) by itself, instead of defining it as "grass," my dictionary defines it as "a draft" or "drafting," as in 초안 (草案), which literally means "grass (草) desk (案)." Likewise, when I look up 고 (稿) by itself, instead of defining it as "rice straw," my dictionary defines it as "a manuscript," as in 원고 (原稿), which literally means "originally (原) rice straw (稿)." So, according to my Korean-English dictionary 초고 (草稿) literally means "a draft (草) [or] manuscript (稿)" instead of "grass (草) [and] rice straw (稿)" What the heck?

Moreover, instead of defining 초(草)잡다 as "grabbing grass," my dictionary defines it as "make a draft (of)" or "to draft." And, instead of defining 초서 (草書) as "grass (草) writing (書), my dictionary defines it as "a cursive style of penmanship." What the heck?

Also, instead of defining 기고 (寄稿) and 투고 (投稿) as "sending (寄) rice straw (稿)" and "throwing (投) rice straw (稿)," respectively, my dictionary defines them as "contributing (to a magazine or newspaper)." And it defines 탈고 (脫稿) as "completion of a manuscript" instead of as "taking off (脫) rice straw (稿)." What the heck?

So, why are drafts, handwritten notes, and manuscripts described as "grass and rice straw" (草稿 초고) in Korea and China?

I suspect it is because the quick, cursive-style writing of Chinese characters in Korea and China really does look similar to drawings of grass and rice straw to many who cannot read them, similar to how illegible handwriting in the United States is often referred to as "chicken scratch." 

Of course, there are definitions in my dictionary using the Chinese character for "grass" (草 초) that do make sense. Here are a few of them:

  • 초가 (草家) - a straw- or grass-roofed house
  • 초로 (草路) - a path across a meadow or grass field
  • 초록 (草綠) - grass-green
  • 초립 (草笠) - a straw hat (worn by a young married man of below twenty)
  • 초막 (草幕) - a straw-thatched hut
  • 초목 (草木) - grass and trees, plants
  • 초색 (草色) - grass color or green
  • 초석 (草席) - a straw mat
  • 초식 (草食) - grass-eating: 초식동물 (grass-eating animals)
  • 초원 (草原) - a grassland, plain, or prairie
  • 초재 (草材) - native medicinal herbs
  • 초적 (草笛) - a grass harp (a grass blade vibrated between the lips)
  • 초지 (草地) - grassland, a grassy plain, a green field
  • 초화 (草花) - a flowering plant (literally "a grass' flower")
From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

What is a 환관 (宦官)?

 ANSWER: a eunuch

The Chinese character 宦 (환) means "government official," but it can also mean "eunuch" (내시 內侍), meaning "a man who has been castrated." So since 官 (관) also means "government official," 환관 (宦官) literally means "a castrated (宦) government official (官)."

Interestingly, of the nine words listed under 宦 (환) in my Chinese Character Dictionary (활용대옥편), only 환관 (宦官) is listed in my Korean-English dictionary, which defines it as "a eunuch." That suggests that the other words are not as commonly used these days.

From "활용대옥편, Chinese Characters Dictionary"

Monday, November 30, 2020

What does 계란지단 literally mean?

ANSWER: chicken egg (계란), chicken egg (지단)

계란지단 is a garnish (고명) made from chicken eggs that is used on a lot of Korean dishes, especially on Korean noodle and soup dishes. There is a white garnish made from the white of the egg and a yellow garnish made from the yolk.

To make the garnish, one must first separate the white and yoke of the egg and then fry them separately into paper-thin patties which are then peeled from the frying pan and cut into spaghetti-thin strips. The video below shows how it is done.

As for the name 계란지단, the Sino-Korean word 계란 (鷄卵) literally means "chicken (鷄) egg (卵)," and so does 지단 (鷄蛋), but "지단" is the Chinese pronunciation of "chicken (鷄) egg (蛋)"; the Korean pronunciation would be 계단 (鷄蛋). The Chinese character 鷄 (계) means "chicken," and both 卵 (란) and 蛋 (단) mean "egg."

So, the Korean word for "egg garnish" literally means "chicken egg, chicken egg."


Sunday, November 29, 2020

What does 계간 (鷄姦) literally mean?

 ANSWER: chicken rape

The Sino-Korean word 계간 (鷄姦) translates a "sodomy," but it literally means "chicken (鷄) adultery (姦)" or "chicken rape." 

So, why does "chicken rape" mean "sodomy"? Because a female chicken has only an anus and no separate sexual orifice.

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

Friday, November 27, 2020

What does 뇌하수체 literally mean?

 ANSWER: a body that hangs below the brain

The Korean word for "pituitary gland" is 뇌하수체 (腦下垂體), which literally means "brain (腦) below (下) hanging (垂) body (體)." The name refers to the location of the pituitary gland in the skull.

Personally, I think a better name for the pituitary gland would be 뇌하수고 (腦下垂睾), which would translate as "testicles that hang below the brain."

From Hook AP Psychology 4B

What is a 짚신벌레?

 ANSWER: a paramecium

In Korean, a paramecium is called 짚신벌레, which literally means "straw (짚) shoe (신) bug (벌레)" or "straw sandal bug," because it is shaped like a traditional Korean sandal made from rice or barley straw, with one rounded end for the heel of the sandal and a more slightly pointed end for the toe.

Photo from Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Why does 각색 (脚色) mean "dramatization"?

 ANSWER: I'm not sure.

Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary defines 각색  as "dramatization," "stage version," and "cinematization," but 각색 (脚色) literally means "leg (脚) color (色)," so how did "leg color" come to mean "dramatization"? I can only guess.

각광 (脚光) literally means "leg (脚) lights (光)" but is defined as "footlights," which are lights placed at the front of a stage to illuminate actors from foot level. Footlights allow the audience to see the actors without any obstruction, and the "color" of the lights can also effect the mood of a scene.

So my guess is that 각색 (leg color) is related to 각광 (leg lights), which implies a stage performance. In other words, if you are going to make a novel into a play (dramatize a novel), you will need a stage and footlights to highlight the actors, so maybe that is how "lighting" or "coloring" legs came to mean "dramatization"?

I have read that the modern meaning of 각색 has something to do with corrupt officials in ancient China, but I don't buy that explanation.

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

Monday, November 23, 2020

What does 다반사 mean?

 ANSWER: a tea and rice matter

Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary defines 다반사 (茶飯事) as "a matter of no importance," but it literally means "a tea (茶) [and] rice (飯) matter (事)," and tea and rice are things Asians drink or eat everyday. In other words, seeing people in Asia drinking tea and eating rice is a common sight and nothing to get excited about.

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

Sunday, November 22, 2020

What does 호떡 mean?

 ANSWER: barbarian rice cake

Dong-A's Korean-English Dictionary defines 호떡 as "a Chinese stuffed pancake," which may sound somewhat gruesome, but what it means is "a Chinese-style stuffed pancake." The reason they define it as a "Chinese" pancake is because it originally came from China.

The 떡 in 호떡 means "rice cake," and the 호 (胡) means "barbarian," "savage," or "foreigner." Koreans used to consider anyone who was not Korean to be a "barbarian," including the Chinese, it appears.

So, 호떡 literally means "barbarian (호) rice cake (떡)."

Some Koreans, however, mistakenly think the 호 is 호떡 comes from 호하다, which means "to blow." Why? Because you often have to blow on a hot Chinese pancake to cool it off enough to eat it.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

What does 모모 mean?

 ANSWER: Some people?

In 1977, I first arrived in Korea in the and stayed there until the fall of 1979. In 1978, a song sung by Korean singer Kim Man-jun (김만준) became a hit. The song's name was 모모.

At the time, I understood 모모 to be the name of a young girl from a novel entitled "Momo," written by Michael Ende, but now I wonder if the 모모 in the Kim Man-jun song was also meant to mean "some people," which in Korean can also translate as 모모 (某某).

Using 모모 to mean "some people," here is my translation of the lyrics of the Kim Man-jun song 모모.

모모는 철부지, 모모는 무지개
Some people are childlike, some people are rainbows.

모모는 생을 쫓아가는 시계바늘이다.
Some people are the hands of a clock pursuing life.

모모는 방랑자, 모모는 외로운 그림자
Some people are wanderers, some people are lonely shadows,

너무 기뻐서 박수를 치듯이 날개짓하며
Flapping their wings as if they are clapping for being so happy.

날아가는 니스의 새들을 꿈꾸는 모모는 환상가
Some people are dreamers, dreaming of the flying birds of Nice (French city?)

그런데 왜 모모 앞에 있는 생은 행복한가?
But why are the future lives of some people happy?

인간은 사랑 없이 살 수 없다는 것을 
Human beings cannot live without love, it is said,

모모는 잘 알 고 있기 때문이다.
So it is because some people know this.

Friday, November 20, 2020

What is Parler?

 ANSWER: It is a social media Web site where I am also posting about the Korean language. You can click HERE if you would like to check out my posts there.

What does the 십 in 십상 mean?

 ANSWER: ten

The Korean word 십상 means "just right" or "perfect," according to Dong-A's Prime Korean-English dictionary. But 십상 comes from 십성 (十成), which literally means "a ten (十) achievement (成)." On a scale of one-to-ten, a "ten achievement" would be "a perfect score" or "the highest ranking."

Over time 십성 came to be pronounced 십상.

So, the Korean sentence 하이킹 날씨로는 십상이다 can be translated as "This is the perfect (십상이다) weather for hiking (하이킹 날씨로는)."

십성 (十成) was used to refer to the purity of such metals as "gold" (금 金) and "silver" (은 銀), so 십성금 (十成金) could be translated as "pure gold" and 십성은 (十成銀) as "pure silver."

Since ten-out-of-ten was the highest ranking, one-out-of-ten would be the lowest ranking, so since 일 (一) is the Sino-Korean word for "one," the lowest quality of gold and silver would be 일성금 (一成金) and 일성은 (一成銀), respectively.

Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Does 갯사람 mean "dog people"?

 ANSWER: No. It means "people" (사람) who live in a "seaside village" (갯마을) on the "shore of an estuary or inlet" (갯가), where one will often find "tidal mudflats" (갯벌 or 개펄), which are sometimes called 갯뻘 or 개뻘.

Here the word 개 does not mean "dog." It is a pure Korean word that means "inlet," "cove," or "estuary." And 벌 or 펄 means "field," so 갯벌 and 개펄 literally mean "estuary/inlet (개/갯) field (벌/펄)," where you will find 개흙, "the slimy mud or silt on the bank of an inlet or estuary."

By the way, 갯바람 translates as "sea breeze" but literally means "estuary/inlet (갯) wind (바람)."

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

What does 단사리별 mean?

 ANSWER: sweet syrup?

Do you like "house profits separated" on you pancakes?
The transliteration of the word "syrup" (시럽), using Chinese characters, is 사리별 (舍利別), which literally means "house (舍) profits (利) separated (別)." In other words, the Chinese characters are used for their sounds, not their meanings.
There is also the word 단사리별 (單舍利別), which literally means "single (單) house (舍) profits (利) separated (別)," but I think the 단 (單) is a transliteration of the Korean adjective 단, which is a form of 달다 and means "sweet." So, 단사리별 would mean "sweet syrup," not "simple syrup," as Naver's Korean-English dictionary translates it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What does the 망정 in 망정이지 mean?

 ANSWER: fortunate or lucky

It is not in my Korean-English dictionary, but the supposedly pure-Korean word 망정 in 망정이지 means "lucky" or "fortunate," but why does it mean "lucky" or "fortunate"? What is the origin of the word? I cannot find anything on its etymology.
The word 망정 does appear in my Korean-Korean dictionary with the following definition:
"[대개, '-니 망정이지' 또는 '-기에 망정이지'의 꼴로 쓰이어] '-니(기에) 다행이지'의 뜻을 나타내는 말."
"[Usually used in the form of '-니 망정이지' or '-기에 망정이지'], the word appears to mean 'to be fortunate/lucky with something' (니/기에 다행이지)."
So, instead of saying 망정이지, one could say 다행이지 (lucky/fortunate).

There is also an example sentence with the definition:
"미리 알았기에 망정이지 큰일날 뻔했다"
"It's lucky we knew in advance; we almost had a big problem."
Though my Korean-Korean dictionary does not say anything about the etymology of the "lucky/fortunate" 망정, it does list another 망정 (望定) just below it that is defined as follows:
"조선때 관원을 천거(薦擧)할 때 후보자로 세 사람을 지명하던 일"
"The act of nominating three candidates for a government post during the time of Joseon."
Could the "lucky/fortunate" pure-Korean 망정 be related to the "nominating three candidates for a government post" Sino-Korean 망정 (望定)?
I wonder because the Chinese characters in the Sino-Korean word 망정 (望定) literally mean "a wish or hope (望) is decided (定)," which would be "lucky" or "fortunate" for the person whose "wish or hope was decided (망정)." It could also be translated as "a hopeful or desired decision."

From "동아 새國語辭典" (1992)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What does 젬병 mean?

 ANSWER: pancakes?

젬병 is Korean slang for "being terrible at" (형편없다) doing something. Here is an example sentence:
내가 과학에는 젬병이다
"I'm terrible at Science."
But 젬병 comes from 전병 (煎餠), which my Korean-English dictionary defines as Korean-style "pancakes." So that means the above Korean sentence can literally translate as follows: "I'm a pancake at Science."
Here is a photo of Korean 전병.

Monday, October 19, 2020

What does 을씨년스럽다 literally mean?

 ANSWER: like 1905

The Korean adjective 을씨년스럽다 can mean "desolate," "shabby," or "wretched," but it literally means "like 1905," which was a depressingly sad year for many Koreans because it was the year Korea gave up its diplomatic sovereignty when it signed the "Eulsa (을사) Treaty" with Japan.
The 을씨년 in 을씨년스럽다 comes from 을사년 (乙巳年), which literally means "the Eulsa (乙巳) year (年)," and since the suffix -스럽다 means "like," 을사년스럽다 literally means "like the 'eulsa' (을사) year (년)."
Koreans used to use a 60-year calendar to refer to dates, based on the sexagenary cycle, and 1905 just happened to be the "Eulsa" (을사) year, which was the 42nd year in that 60-year calendar.
So, in the past, when Koreans were feeling sad or depressed about things happening around them, some of them apparently started using 을사년스럽다 to express their feelings. It was kind of like saying, "Wow! It seems like 1905 all over again." That would suggest that the expression did not exist before 1905. Then over time, 을사년스럽다 changed to 을씨년스럽다.

From "Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary" (1998)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What does 사시장철 (四時長철) mean?

 ANSWER:  a year-long season?

The following is the first sentence in the short story "The Last King" (마지막 임금님), by Park Wan-suh (박완서):
"옛날에 사시장철 춥지도 더웁지도 않게 날씨 좋고 땅은 기름진 고장에 작고 아름다운 나라가 있었습니다."
"A long time ago (옛날에), there was a small beautiful country (작고 아름다운 나라가 있었습니다) in a region where the land was fertile (땅은 기름진 고장에) and the weather was good (날씨 좋고), with a year-long season that was neither cold nor hot (사시장철 춥지도 더웁지도 않게)."
The above sentence is a good example of one of the big differences between English and Korean.
In English, we tend to name something before describing it, which Koreans sometimes find boring. Koreans, on the other hand, seem to like keeping you in suspense about what is being described until the end of the sentence, Sherlock-Holmes style, which some Americans (including me) sometimes find confusing.
The Chinese character 時 (시) means "time," but it can also mean "season." So, since the character 四 (사) means "four," 사시 (四時) can mean either "4 o'clock" or "the four seasons," but Koreans usually use it to mean "the four seasons" since they say, instead, "네 시" for "4 o'clock."
The Chinese character 長 (장) means "long" or "a long time," so the phrase 사시장 (四時長), literally means "four (四) seasons (時) long (長)," which can translate as "all year long."
So, since 靑 (청) means "green," the word 사시장청 (四時長靑) can translate as "evergreen." And since 春 (춘) means "spring," the word 사시장춘 (四時長春) can translate as "everlasting spring."
But what does 사시장철 (四時長철) mean?
철 is the pure-Korean word for "season," so 사시장철 (四時長철) literally means "year-long (四時長) season (철)."

From "국어시간에 소설읽기 1"

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Friday, October 09, 2020

What does 방귀벌레 mean?

 ANSWER: stink bug

방귀 is the pure Korean word for "fart," and 벌레 the pure Korean word for "bug," so in Korean "stinkbug" literally means "fart (방귀) bug (벌레)."

But what is the Sino-Korean word for "stink bug"?

ANSWER: 방비충 (放屁蟲), which literally means "fart-releasing (放屁) bug (蟲)

屁 (비) is the Chinese character for "fart," 放 (방) the Chinese character for "release," and 蟲 (충) the Chinese character for "bug," so 방비충, the Sino-Korean word for "stink bug," literally means "releasing (放) farts (屁) bug (蟲)." The Chinese word for "anus" is 비안 (屁眼), which literally means "fart (屁) eye (眼)." And, the Sino-Korean word for "sodomy" is 비역 (屁役), which literally means "fart (屁) work (役)."
Finally, here are two old Chinese proverbs you should live by:
1) 寧不焚香但勿通屁 (영불분향 단물통비)
"If you can't burn incense (寧不焚香), at least don't fart (但勿通屁)."
In other words, "If you can't help, at least don't do any harm."
2) 放屁長還爲糞 (방비장환위분)
"[If] farts (放屁) are frequent (長), [they eventually] return (還) as (爲) poop (糞)."
In other words, "There are often signs of things to come, so don't ignore the signs."

When I played Kid's Inc. softball in elementary school, one of the teams we played against was the "Stink Bugs." Our team's name was the Chinch Bugs."

Saturday, October 03, 2020

How many letters are there in the Chinese alphabet?

 ANSWER: At least 28, except they are called "strokes," not "letters."

The following YouTube videos do a really excellent job of introducing Chinese characters (Hanja, 한자, 漢字) to English-speaking foreigners, but the videos introduce the characters using Chinese pronunciations, not Korean. Yes, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese pronunciations of Chinese characters are mostly different.

But even though the videos below teach the Chinese pronunciations of the Chinese characters, not the Korean, they can still be used by people who want to learn the Korean pronunciations of the characters.

But how can I use the videos to learn the Korean pronunciations? Well, just look up the Korean pronunciations of the characters. But how do I look up the Korean pronunciations? Well, one way is to count the number of strokes in the character and then go to Naver's Chinese Character Dictionary HERE to find the character among the list of characters that have the same numbers of strokes. The Korean word for "stroke" is 획, so if you click on "1획" (one stroke), you will see a list of characters made with just one stroke. If you click on "2획" (two strokes), you will see a list of characters made with two strokes. For example, the Chinese character for "two" is 二, which is made with two strokes. That means 二 would be among the characters in the 2획 (two stroke) list. In that list, 二 is defined as "두 이," with the 두 (two) being the meaning of the character and the 이 being its Korean pronunciation. It's that easy.

Anyway, the following is a list of some of the beginning videos. Some of the characters introduced in the videos are simplified characters, which Koreans do not generally use. So, for those characters, I have also included the characters the simplified characters represent. I will add more to this post later, maybe.


Lesson 1: 一 (일), 二 (이), 三 (삼), 十 (십), 上 (상), 山 (산), 工 (공), 人 (인), 土 (토), 王 (왕), 子 (자). Simplified Characters: 头 = 頭 (두), 门 = 門 (문), 国 = 國 (국), 

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:

Lesson 4: 

Lesson 5:

Lesson 6:

Lesson 7:

Lesson 8:

Lesson 9:

Lesson 10:

Lesson 11:

Lesson 12:

Lesson 13:

Lesson 14:

Lesson 15:

Friday, September 25, 2020

Are "branches and leaves" (지엽) important?

 ANSWER: Not according to Koreans

The Sino-Korean word 지엽 (枝葉) literally means "branches (枝) [and] leaves (葉)," but Koreans use the word to mean "minor details" or "nonessentials."
So, if you want to refer to something as "a minor problem," "a side issue," or "a mere detail," you can refer to it as a 지엽문제, which literally translates as "a branch-and-leaf problem."

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

What is the Korean name for a "beech" tree?

ANSWER: 너도밤나무 

 The Korean word for "chestnut tree" is 밤나무, and the Korean word for a "beech" tree is 너도밤나무, which literally translates as "You are also a chestnut tree." Of course, a beech is not a chestnut tree, but the two trees are similar enough that they are sometimes confused, even though beechnuts are much smaller than chestnuts. Anyway, here is my translation of a story that Koreans use to explain the origin of the Korean name for a beech tree.
One day a passing monk sees a child and tell the child's father that the child is fated to be killed by a tiger. The shocked father asks the monk what he can do to save his child. The monk says that the father will have to save 1,000 people to change the child's fate. Realizing that it would be nearly impossible to save 1,000 people, the father asks the monk if there was anything else he can do. The monk tells the father that instead of saving 1,000 people, he can plant 1,000 chestnut trees, and that is what the father does.
Later when the tiger comes for the child, the father tells the tiger not to take his child because he has planted 1,000 chestnut trees. But, unfortunately, one of the trees has died, leaving only 999. 
Just as the tiger is getting ready to pounce on the child, a nearby tree says, "I am also a chestnut tree" (나도 밤나무다). Hearing this, the tiger leaves without killing the child. With tears of emotion flowing down his face, the father says to the tree, "Yes, you are also a chestnut tree" (그래, 너도 밤나무다).
By the way, there is also a small tree or shrub Koreans call 나도밤나무 (I am also a chestnut tree), which is different from a 너도밤나무 (You are also a chestnut tree). And there are other plants that Koreans have named using the 나도 (I also) prefix, which is a prefix that suggests the plants are similar but different than the names of the plants to which the prefix is attached. Below are just a few of them from my Korean-English dictionary:

Dong-a's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)
Dong-a's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Friday, September 04, 2020

What is the Korean word for "turtle": 거북 or 거북이?

 ANSWER: Both words mean "turtle."

My Korean-English dictionary says that the Korean word for "turtle" is 거북, not "거북이," but in the Korean proverb listed together with the definition of 거북 the word 거북이 is used instead of 거북.
"거북이 잔등의 털을 긁는다." 
"It is very hard to shave an egg."
The above translation of the Korean proverb is not a literal translation. Here is the literal translation:
"A turtle is scratching the hair on its back."
One of the problems with many Korean-English dictionaries is that they seem to be written for Koreans, not for foreigners. If my dictionary, for example, had been written for foreigners, then wouldn't it have also given the literal translation of the Korean proverb?
Anyway, why does my dictionary list 거북 as the Korean word for "turtle" and then use the word 거북이 for "turtle" in the proverb? Or is the 이 in 거북이 just the subject marker?
I have read that 거북 and 거북이 both mean "turtle" but that even though 거북 is more commonly found in dictionaries, 거북이 is more commonly used by Koreans.
I have not read this anywhere, but it seems the word 거북이 may come from the Korean adjective 거북하다, which means "to feel shy" or "awkward." Or maybe the adjective 거북하다 came from the Korean word for "turtle"?
Since turtles hide inside their shells when they are approached, they appear to be "shy," so 거북이 may literally mean "a shy animal" since the suffix 이 can mean "animal," "person," or "thing."
If true, then 거북하다 could translate as "turtlelike."

Saturday, August 29, 2020

What does a placenta (태반 胎盤) look like?

 ANSWER: A skate (홍어 洪魚)?

The following comes from a 1668 entry in the "Annals of King Hyeonjong" (현종실록):

In the Nampyong region of Jeolla Province (全羅道 南平地 전라도 남평지), someone (有人 유인) gave birth to (生 생) a girl (女 여) on whose left buttock (尻尾左邊 고미좌변) was a growth (生贅肉 생췌육) that measured one foot, one-and-a-half inches in length (長布尺一尺一寸五分 장포척일척일촌오분) and was shaped very much like a skate (酷似洪魚狀 혹사홍어상), according to the provincial governor (道臣以聞 도신이문).

Here is a picture of a "skate" (洪魚 홍어): [Source]

Here is a photo of a "placenta" (태반 胎盤) [Source:]

Do they look very much alike? Couldn't the growth that looked very much like a skate on the left buttock of the little girl have been just the mother's placenta? Wouldn't it have just peeled off? Or was it really attached in some way? 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Does 민머리 mean "shaved head"?

ANSWER: No, it means "bald head."

A lot of Koreans think the 민 in 민머리 comes from the word 밀다, which can mean "to shave," but it almost certainly comes from the verb 미다, which means "get bald" or "grow bald."

Dong-a's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

Dong-a's Prime Korea-English Dictionary (1998)

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Why is water blue?

ANSWER: Because the sky is blue.

This is one of my Chinese-character "theme poems," entitled "Blue Skies, Blue Water" (靑天靑水):
"靑天靑水 (청천청수)"
"Blue (靑) Skies (天), Blue (靑) Water (水)"
天水雨水 (천수우수)
Heaven's (天) water (水) [is] rain (雨) water (水),
雨水川水 (우수천수)
Rain (雨) water (水) [becomes] stream (川) water (水),
川水湖水 (천수호수)
Stream (川) water (水) [becomes] lake (湖) water (水),
湖水地水 (호수지수)
Lake (湖) water (水) [becomes] ground (地) water (水),
地水泉水 (지수천수)
Ground (地) water (수) [becomes] spring (泉) water (水),
泉水白水 (천수백수),
[And] Spring (泉) water (水) [is] white (白) water (水),
白水淸水 (백수청수)
White (白) water (水) [is] clear (淸) water (水),
淸水靑水 (청수청수)
[And] clear (淸) water (水) [is] blue (靑) water (水),
靑水天水 (청수천수)
[So] blue (靑) water (수) [is] sky (天) water (水).

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How can I learn Chinese characters?

ANSWER: One way is by playing with them.

One way to learn Chinese characters is by playing with them. And you can start by playing with the 1- and 2-stroke characters of the 1800 taught in Korean primary and secondary schools. Since there are two 1-stroke and fourteen 2-stroke characters among the 1800, that means you would start playing with the first 16 characters.
How can you play with Chinese characters? Here are some suggestions.
1) See how many words and expressions you can make by using just the first 16 characters. An easy one would be to combine the Chinese character for "two" (二 이) and the Chinese character for "ten" (十 십) to form 二十 (이십), which means "twenty." Both characters are 2-stroke characters, which means they are among the first 16 characters of the 1800.
2) See how many of the single characters you can double or triple up to form new characters. For example, the 2-stroke character 刀 (도) means "knife," but if you put three 刀s together (1 over 2), you form the Chinese character 刕 (리), which I've read was the family name of one of the eight great families of Baekje (백제 百濟).
Also, if you put 2 tens (十 십) together, side by side, you form the character 卄 (입), which means "twenty." Though it is not a common character, it is used in some place names. For example, there is a mountain village named 입천리 (卄川里) on the slope of Hyeongje Peak (형제봉) in the City of Gyeongju (경상북도 경주시 양북면 입천리). The village name literally translates as "Twenty (卄) Streams (川) Village (里)." Supposedly, there are 20 streamlets that flow down the slope of the mountain and merge into one stream near the village.
3) See how many different 1- and 2-stroke characters you can combine to form a 3- or 4-stroke character. For example, the 2-stroke characters 又 (우) means "and," "also," or "again." If you put the Chinese character for "ten" (十 십) on top of it, you form the 4-stroke character 支 (지), which means "prop," "support," or "pay." Some words that use the character are 지불 (支拂), which means "pay" or "disburse"; 지배 (支配), which means "manage" or "control"; and 지점 (支店), which means "branch office." Can you form a 6-stroke character by combining three different 2-stroke characters?
So, those are three ways you can play with Chinese characters. While you are playing with them, be sure to learn their pronunciations, their meanings, and how to write them. And don't forget to practice writing them.
And after you are tired of playing with the 1- and 2-stroke characters, move on to the 3-stroke characters, and then the 4-stroke. If you learn your characters this way, you will start to see characters made with characters you have already learned, as would be the case with 支 (지), which again is 十 (십) plus 又 (우).
For those who do not know the stroke order for writing Chinese characters, I have posted below some pages from Bruce K. Grant's book "A Guide to Korean Characters, Reading and Writing Hangul and Hanja" that give nine stroke-order rules to follow when writing Chinese characters. Stroke order is very important, so be sure to follow the rules. The first two rules are write 1) from top to bottom and 2) left to right.
I have also posted from Mr. Grant's book the first 16 characters of the 1800, so that you can start playing with them.
You can share your gameplay in the Comments section of this post if you want, or you can just play by yourself. 

Don't forget to buy Mr. Grant's book, so that you can play with all 1800 characters.

Good luck.

By the way, one place you can go to play with the characters is at Naver's Chinese character dictionary HERE, where you can use your computer mouse to draw the characters next to each other to see if they form any new characters. The place on the page where you draw the characters is in a box labeled 한자필기인식기. For example, if you go to the page and draw in the box the Chinese character for "one" (一 일) on top of the character for "two" (二 이), what character do you think you will form?


The meaning of the 2-stroke Chinese character 八 (팔) is "eight," but its original meaning was "to divide," which is why it is shaped the way it is. Originally, the shape of the character was two separated downward strokes.

Today, however, the Chinese char
acter for "divide" is 分 (분), which is formed by putting the 2-stroke character for "eight" (八 팔) on top of the 2-stroke character for "knife" (刀 도), suggesting that something is divided by cutting it in half. So, even though 八 (팔) no longer means "divide" when used by itself, the meaning of "divide" is still there when it is used to form certain other characters.

Besides 分 (분), for example, there is also the 4-stroke character 公 (공), which means "fair," "impartial," or "public." It is the same 공 used in the words 공평(公平) and 공정(公正), both of which mean "fair" or "impartial." Notice that the character is formed by putting 八 (팔) on top of the character 厶(모), which is an old character that meant "private." If you "divide up" or "separate" (八) something from being "private," it becomes "public" (公), and if you "divide" (八) it equally, it is "fair" (公).

Playing with your Chinese characters and learning things like this should help you remember your characters.