Friday, September 04, 2020

What is the Korean word for "turtle": 거북 or 거북이?

 ANSWER: Both words mean "turtle."

My Korean-English dictionary says that the Korean word for "turtle" is 거북, not "거북이," but in the Korean proverb listed together with the definition of 거북 the word 거북이 is used instead of 거북.
"거북이 잔등의 털을 긁는다." 
"It is very hard to shave an egg."
The above translation of the Korean proverb is not a literal translation. Here is the literal translation:
"A turtle is scratching the hair on its back."
One of the problems with many Korean-English dictionaries is that they seem to be written for Koreans, not for foreigners. If my dictionary, for example, had been written for foreigners, then wouldn't it have also given the literal translation of the Korean proverb?
Anyway, why does my dictionary list 거북 as the Korean word for "turtle" and then use the word 거북이 for "turtle" in the proverb? Or is the 이 in 거북이 just the subject marker?
I have read that 거북 and 거북이 both mean "turtle" but that even though 거북 is more commonly found in dictionaries, 거북이 is more commonly used by Koreans.
I have not read this anywhere, but it seems the word 거북이 may come from the Korean adjective 거북하다, which means "to feel shy" or "awkward." Or maybe the adjective 거북하다 came from the Korean word for "turtle"?
Since turtles hide inside their shells when they are approached, they appear to be "shy," so 거북이 may literally mean "a shy animal" since the suffix 이 can mean "animal," "person," or "thing."
If true, then 거북하다 could translate as "turtlelike."


  1. Finally, I'm happy to find your blog.

    I don't think 거북turtle(noun) is related with 거북하다.(adj.)
    It really 좀 거북하네요 to me. :) keke

    1. Jungwoo, Why do you not think 거북 (turtle) is not related to 거북하다 (to feel shy or awkward)? Only because one if a noun and the other is an adjective?

      The writer of the Korean book "우리 말은 재미있다" also suspects that the adjective 거북하다 comes from the Korean noun for "turtle" (거북). Here is what he wrote in the book:

      Page 28 -- "나는 ‘거북하다’라는 말이 ‘거북(龜)’에서 비롯된 것일지도 모른다고 생각한다. 이 낱말을 최초로 사용한 사람은 아마도 거북의 움직임을 지켜보고 있다가 귀갑(龜甲)을 입고 있는 스스로를 상상했을 것이고, 그런 답답하고 불편한 상태를 거북과 같다는 뜻에서 ‘거북하다’고 말하기 시작했던 것이 아닐까."


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