Friday, December 25, 2020

What does 육덕진 몸매 literally mean?

 ANSWER: a figure with fleshy virtues

The Chinese character 肉 (육) means "meat" or "flesh," and 德 (덕) means "virtue," so 육덕 (肉德) literally means "fleshy (肉) virtues (德)." Since 지다 means "to become," and 몸매 means "figure," the phrase 육덕진 몸매 literally means "a figure with fleshy virtues," suggesting that the figure is fleshy in the right places.

If a person has flesh or fat in the right places, the person may be considered sexy, but if the flesh or fat is in the wrong places, the person may be considered fat.

If you type 육덕진 몸매 in Google and then choose "Images," you can see HERE what "a figure with fleshy virtues" generally looks like. WARNING: Some images may be too fleshy.

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary (1998)

1 comment:

  1. its like slightly chubby but owns nice shape(breast and pelvis)


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