Saturday, December 15, 2018

What does 엄동 mean?

ANSWER: a severe winter

The following video is the story of a devoted son who goes out into severe winter weather to catch a carp for his sick mother. The title of the story is "엄동에 잉어를 잡아 효도한 오류동의 윤효자," which translates as "Devoted Son Yun of Oryu-Dong Dutifully Catches a Carp in the Dead of Winter." The word 엄동 (嚴冬) literally means severe (嚴) winter (冬).

I posted this not because I wanted to teach the word 엄동, but because I wanted people to see the beautiful way the pictures in the video were drawn.

"엄동에 잉어를 잡아 효도한 오류동의 윤효자"
"Devoted Son Yun of Oryu-dong Dutifully Catches a Carp in the Dead of Winter"

옛날 오류동에는 어머니를 극진히 모시는 가난한 선비가 살고 있었어요. 어느 어머니가 병들어 눕게 되셨고 효자 아들인 선비는 정성껏 어머니를 보살폈어요. 그러나 어머니의 병환은 점점 깊어만 갔어요
Once upon a time in Oryu-dong, there lived a poor gentleman-scholar who devotedly attended to his mother. One day his mother fell ill and was forced to rest in bed. The gentleman-scholar, who was a devoted son, tended to his mother with utmost sincerity, but his mother grew more and more ill.

눈보라 치던 어느 겨울날이었어요. 병상에 누워있던 어머니는 아들에게 잉어를 먹고 싶다고 이야기를 했어요. 아들은 꽁꽁 얼어붙은 호수 시내에 어름을 깨며 잉어를 잡으려고 애를 썼지만 며칠이 지나도록 잡을 없었답니다
One winter day during a blizzard, the mother, from her sickbed, told her son that she wanted to eat carp. The son broke the hard frozen ice at the lake and stream and worked hard to catch a carp, but several days passed without success.

그러던 어느 갑자기 수로에 어름이 깨지며 커다란 잉어가 튀어나오는 아니겠어요? 어머니의 소원을 들어 드릴 있게 되었다는 생각에 선비는 기쁨의 눈물을 흘리며 잉어를 품에 안고 집으로 있었어요.
Then one day the ice in the waterway suddenly broke open, and, believe it or not, a huge carp leaped out. The gentleman-scholar, thinking that he could now fulfill his mother's wish, cried tears of joy as he embraced the carp and was able to return home.

그리고 온갖 좋은 약재와 함께 잉어를 정성스럽게 고았어요. 정성스럽게 고은 잉어를 먹은 어머니는 씻은듯이 병이 나았답니다.
He then devotedly stewed the carp together with various medicines. It is said that the mother completely recovered from her illness after eating the devotedly stewed carp.

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