Friday, December 28, 2018

How do you translate "누군가의 당신을 사랑한다는 것"?

ANSWER: Different ways, I guess, but I translated it as "Loving Someone's You."

"누군가의 당신을 사랑한다는 것" is the title of another interesting song by the dynamic duo HAIL, of whom you may be able to tell I am becoming a fan. My translation of the title is pretty much a literal one, which I like even though it may be a little hard to understand. The suggestion is that a woman is in love with another woman's man, which makes the woman feel guilty.

"누군가의 당신을 사랑한다는 것" 
“Loving Someone’s You” 

나는 당신이 
About you, I--

빙수를 먹다가도 
even while eating shaved ice 

집에 가다가도 
even while going home 

빨래를 널다가도 
even while hanging laundry-- 

am always thinking. 

그런데 당신의 그녀는 
Yet, she, your woman-- 

아무것도 모르는 채 
knowing absolutely nothing about 

이제야 나에게 오려는 당신을 
your current thoughts of leaving her for me-- 

그대로 사랑하고 있겠지 
probably still loves you as before. 

내가 지금 누굴 걱정하는 거야 
For whom am I now worrying? 

길 잃은 내 마음 
My heart has lost its way 

방향도 못 잡은 채 
and can't even choose a way. 

왔던 길 따라 가야 하나 
Should I go back the way I came? 

당신과 그녀든 
You and her? 

나와 당신이든 
Or you and me? 

마음 편히 사랑할 수 있을까 
Could my love possibly survive the guilt? 

시작조차 못했지만 
Though I haven’t even started, 

I’m afraid. 

그냥 함께할 순 없을까 
But couldn’t we do it together? 

나 왜 이리 못 됐지 
Why have I become so wicked? 

너무 보고 싶어 
I want so much to see you. 

안아쥈음 싶어 
I wish I could hold you. 

내가 하고 또 내가 듣는 말 
I’m saying these things to myself. 

왜 이런 사랑을 시작했던거야 
Why did I begin this kind of love? 

길 잃은 내 마음 
My heart has lost its way 

방향도 못 잡은 채 
and can't even choose a way. 

왔던 길 따라 가야하나 
Should I go back the way I came? 

당신과 그녀든 
You and her? 

나와 당신이든 
Or you and me? 

마음 편히 사랑할 수 있을까 
Could my love possibly survive the guilt? 

시작조차 못했지만 
Though I haven’t even started, 

하나 뿐인 그대 손 끝에 누군가 
someone at the fingertips of my only love 

내 마음이 미안해 
makes my heart uneasy, 

눈물 채로 지운다 
so I erase [the pain] with tears.

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