Monday, December 31, 2018

Preparing to breakup? "헤어지기 위하여," by 헤일 (HAIL)

Well, the girl in this video is prepared.

I like the voice, I like the lyrics, I like the style, but I do not really like the English translation in the subtitles, so I have posted my own translation below the video.

The translator of the subtitles seemed to think the girl was the one planning to break up with the guy, but the whole point of the song was to say the girl sensed that her boyfriend was preparing to break up with her, so she was preparing for it by taking away all of the excuses he might use for it. For example, he would no longer be able to say he was breaking up with her because he did not like her wearing her short skirt.

헤어지기 위하여
“In Order to Break Up with You”

요즘 부쩍 달라진 너를 보면서
These days, as I see you quickly changing,

아니 사실 오래전부터
No, actually you started long ago.

너도 나름대로 많이 노력했겠지만 나도 많이 애썼어
You probably tried hard in your own way, but I tried hard, too.

너무 오랫동안 붙잡고 있었나
Have I been trying to hold on for too long?

이제 놓아줘야 하나

Is now the time to let go?

혼자인게 어색할 테지만
Though being alone will probably be awkward.

평소보다 생각하면서
I’ve been thinking of you more than usual

연락도 자주 하고
and contacting you frequently.

입지 말아던 내짧은 치마도
And the short skirt you told me not to wear

옷장에 깊숙이 넣고서
is now stored deep in my closet.

고집 부리며 고치지 않았던 작은 것까지 모두
And all the little things I stubbornly refused to fix

그렇게 완벽해져서
are now [fixed] just as you wanted

너와 헤어지기 위하여
in order to break up with you.

자존심 버리고 간절히 부탁했잖아 제발
I put aside my pride and begged you

예쁘다고 해줘
to please tell me I’m pretty.

그런 내가 귀찮은 보지도 않고 말해
As if I were a nuisance, you said without even looking at me,

노력해도 되는 어떡해
“Why? It won't change things?”

너무 오랫동안 붙잡고 있었나
Have I been trying to hold on for too long?

이제 놓아줘야 하나
Is now the time to let go?

혼자인 어색할 테지만
Though being alone will probably be awkward.

평소보다 생각하면서
I’ve been thinking of you more than usual

연가도 자주 하고
and contacting you frequently.

입지 말라던 짧은 치마도
And the short skirt you told me not to wear

옷장에 깊숙이 넣고소
is now stored deep in my closet.

고집부리며 고치지 않았던 작은 것까지 모두
And all the little things I stubbornly refused to fix

그렇게 완벽해져서
are now fixed just as you wanted

너와 헤어지기 위하여
in order to break up with you.

혜어지자고 말하는
So that the day you say, “Let’s break up,”

니가 아무 말도 못하게
you will have nothing to complain about.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

What does 동떨어진 소리 mean?

ANSWER: an absurd remark

동떨어지다 means to be far apart or to have a space between and can refer to the separation of places, things, or relationships.  By itself, 떨어지다 means to fall or to drop, but it can also mean to separate or to be detached. As for 동, it seems to come from the Chinese character 同 (동), which can mean either the same, a group, or together. That would mean 동떨어지다 would literally mean either to be separated from someone or something that is the same or to be separated from a place or a group. Here are some example sentences using 동떨어지다 from my Donga Prime Korean-English Dictionary:
  • 5마일이나 동떨어진 곳
    the place 5 miles away from here
  • 두 사람의 나이는 너무나 동떨어진다
    There is such a great disparity of age between the two.
  • 그 길로 갔더니 가야 할 길과는 동떨어진 데로 나오고 말았다.
    The road took us far out of our way.
  • 그건 이것과는 동떨진 추측이다.
    Your guess is way off the mark.
Considering the 동떨어지다 meaning, "동떨어진 소리" could literally translate as "noise separated far from [the conversation]." Here are two example sentences from my book of Korean idioms entitled "뜻도 모르고 자주 쓰는 우리말 숙어 1000 가지":
  • 그 친구는 가끔 이야기 중에 동떨어진 소리를 해서 듣는 사람들을 김빠지게 한다.
    That friend sometimes makes absurd comments during a conversation, which causes other people in the conversation to lose interest.
  • 그는 나이로는 아버지뻘 되는 조카에게 어떻게 말문을 열어야 할지 몰라 동떨진 소리를 했다.
    Because his nephew is about the same age as his father, he was not sure how to start the conversation and said some absurd things.
Be careful to say 동떨어진 소리 and not 똥 떨어진 소리 because the second phrase means the sound of falling poop.

Friday, December 28, 2018

What do you eat when you are 출출해?

ANSWER: Ramyeon? Cereal?

출출하다 means to be somewhat hungry. So instead of always saying the same boring 조금 (좀) 배 고파, why not add to your vocabulary and surprise your Korean friends with "출출한데 우리 라면이나 끓여 먹을까?"

Translation: "I'm a little hungry. Shall we cook (boil) and eat some ramyeon or something?"

It is cold and snowy here in Amarillo, Texas, and I am 출출해, so I'm getting ready to make myself some ramyeon.

How do you translate "누군가의 당신을 사랑한다는 것"?

ANSWER: Different ways, I guess, but I translated it as "Loving Someone's You."

"누군가의 당신을 사랑한다는 것" is the title of another interesting song by the dynamic duo HAIL, of whom you may be able to tell I am becoming a fan. My translation of the title is pretty much a literal one, which I like even though it may be a little hard to understand. The suggestion is that a woman is in love with another woman's man, which makes the woman feel guilty.

"누군가의 당신을 사랑한다는 것" 
“Loving Someone’s You” 

나는 당신이 
About you, I--

빙수를 먹다가도 
even while eating shaved ice 

집에 가다가도 
even while going home 

빨래를 널다가도 
even while hanging laundry-- 

am always thinking. 

그런데 당신의 그녀는 
Yet, she, your woman-- 

아무것도 모르는 채 
knowing absolutely nothing about 

이제야 나에게 오려는 당신을 
your current thoughts of leaving her for me-- 

그대로 사랑하고 있겠지 
probably still loves you as before. 

내가 지금 누굴 걱정하는 거야 
For whom am I now worrying? 

길 잃은 내 마음 
My heart has lost its way 

방향도 못 잡은 채 
and can't even choose a way. 

왔던 길 따라 가야 하나 
Should I go back the way I came? 

당신과 그녀든 
You and her? 

나와 당신이든 
Or you and me? 

마음 편히 사랑할 수 있을까 
Could my love possibly survive the guilt? 

시작조차 못했지만 
Though I haven’t even started, 

I’m afraid. 

그냥 함께할 순 없을까 
But couldn’t we do it together? 

나 왜 이리 못 됐지 
Why have I become so wicked? 

너무 보고 싶어 
I want so much to see you. 

안아쥈음 싶어 
I wish I could hold you. 

내가 하고 또 내가 듣는 말 
I’m saying these things to myself. 

왜 이런 사랑을 시작했던거야 
Why did I begin this kind of love? 

길 잃은 내 마음 
My heart has lost its way 

방향도 못 잡은 채 
and can't even choose a way. 

왔던 길 따라 가야하나 
Should I go back the way I came? 

당신과 그녀든 
You and her? 

나와 당신이든 
Or you and me? 

마음 편히 사랑할 수 있을까 
Could my love possibly survive the guilt? 

시작조차 못했지만 
Though I haven’t even started, 

하나 뿐인 그대 손 끝에 누군가 
someone at the fingertips of my only love 

내 마음이 미안해 
makes my heart uneasy, 

눈물 채로 지운다 
so I erase [the pain] with tears.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

What does 알바 mean?

ANSWER: part-time job

알바 is a shortened form of 아르바이트, which means side job or part-time job. 아르바이트  is the Korean pronunciation of the German word arbeit, which, from what I have read, just means work or job, so Koreans seem to have changed the meaning from job to part-time job.

Below is a nice but sad little song by a young female duo named 헤일 (HAIL). The two girls' names are 우지원 (U Ji-won) and 박예린 (Pak Ye-lin). They came up with the name HAIL by combining their family names 우 and 박 to form 우박, which is the Korean for the English word hail. Ji-won is the singer, and Ye-lin is the instrumentalist.

The title of the song below is "알바" (Part-time Job), from HAIL's extended play recordings "말로 표현할 수 없었던" (It could not be described with words). According to the lyrics of the song, the girl is working part-time in what seems to be a bar. Apparently, the girl used to have a boyfriend who is now a famous singer, and whose song is one of the songs that plays every thirty minutes in the recorded music used in the bar. And every time she hears the song, she is reminded of her heartache.

I really like the way the focus is on the lyrics while the guitar and other instruments are used only to keep a subtle beat and to introduce and punctuate.

우지원 on the left and 박예린 on the right -- Source

"Part-time Job"

다섯 시가 됐어 빨간색 유니폼
It's five o'clock, so I'm in my red uniform

오래된 운동화 그래 그 운동화
and my old tennis shoes, yes, those same tennis shoes.

30분에 한 번 돌아올 우리 노래
Once every thirty minutes our song will replay

우리를 예쁘게 박제한 니 가사
your lyrics, the ones that beautifully preserved us.

퇴근할 때까지 정확히 14번
Before work ends, it'll play exactly fourteen times,

나오는 우리 헤어지지 말자 어쩌구
saying, "Let's always be together," blah, blah, blah.

눈물이 날 것 같지만
Though I feel I might start crying,
아직 손님이 많아
still too many customers.

착하지 마음아
Heart, be nice, [don't make me cry].

오늘도 난 테이블을 닦아 
Today again I'm wiping off tables.

음음 음음 음음

술병을 정리해 
Stocking liquor bottles

음음 음음 음음 

난 주문을 받아
Taking people's orders.

음음 음음 음음 

너의 목소리는 언제나 빛나네
As always, your voice is bright and glimmering.

여전히 누구나 공감할만한 곡을 써
As before, your songs speak to everyone's heart.

그때의 나를 맘대로 지어내놓고서
Back then you freely wrote me into all your songs. 

우리라는 말로 잘 포장해놨네
[Back then] you nicely wrapped them up with the word "we,"

시간이 지나면 분명 너의 노랜 
[Back then I knew], in time your songs would surely be 

유명해져서 어딜 가나 흘러나오고
famous and playing everywhere we would go.

난 세상이 존경할 이름이 될 거라
I knew your name would be respected 'round the world

우린 뜨겁게 꿈을 꿨는데
Back then we were dreaming fiery hot dreams,

오늘도 난 테이블을 닦아 
Today again I'm wiping off tables.

음음 음음 음음

술병을 정리해
Stocking liquor bottles

음음 음음 음음

난 주문을 받아
Taking people's orders.

음음 음음 음음

다섯 시가 됐어 빨간색 유니폼
It's five o'clock, so I'm in my red uniform

오래된 운동화 그래 그 운동화 
and my old tennis shoes, yes, the same tennis shoes.

30 분에 한 번 돌아올 우리 노래
Once every thirty minutes, our song will replay

우리를 예쁘게 박제한 니 가사
your lyrics, the ones that beautifully preserved us.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

What does 온천 mean?

ANSWER: hot spring

온천 (溫泉) literally means hot (溫) spring (泉), and 온수골 (溫水골) literally means hot (溫) water (水) valley (골 = 골짜기) or hot water village.

The video below tells the story of a hot spring that was once in a place called Onsu Valley (온수골), which supposedly was an area near the Onsu subway station in Bucheon City. It was rumored that the flowing water from the hot spring in the area would help people with skin diseases if they bathed in the water. However, residents of the nearby village supposedly did not like people with skin diseases, which may have included lepers, coming into their neighborhood, so they plugged up the spring with dirt and stones to stop the flowing water and, thereby, stop people with skin diseases from coming to their neighborhood. Though they later regretted their decision to plug up the spring and tried to find it again, they were never able to do so.

“온수골의 온천 유래 설화” 
“The Tale of the Onsu Valley Hot Spring"

예로부터 온수골은 아주 효능이 좋은 온천수가 흐르는 곳으로 유명했어요. 온천수에 효능이 좋다는 소문이 전국으로 퍼지자 피부병 환자들이 온수골로 몰려들었답니다. 

Since ancient times, Onsu Valley had been famous for having a hot spring that had flowing water with very good medicinal properties. It is said that when rumor spread of the hot spring and the good medicinal properties of its water, skin disease sufferers from across the country flocked to Onsu Valley. 

그런데 마을 주민들은 피부병 환자들이 오는 것이 아주 싫고 불쾌했어요. 심지어 흘러 넘친 온수가 논에 극심한 피해를 주어서 농사를 망치게도 했어요. 

But village residents were uncomfortable with and very much disliked the coming of people with skin diseases. Even worse was that the overflowing hot water was seriously damaging the rice fields and ruining agriculture. 

화가 난 마을 주민들은 온천수를 흙과 돌로 막아 버렸답니다. 

It is said that angry villagers completely plugged up the hot spring with dirt and stones. 

시간이 흘러 마을 주민들은 자신들의 잘못을 뉘우치게 됐어요. 그리고 다시 온천수를 찾아 나섰지만 영영 온천수는 찾을 수 없었답니다. 

It is said that as time passed, the villagers realized they had made a mistake and came out to search for the old spring, but they were never able to find it again.

Friday, December 21, 2018

What does 등글개첩 mean?

Picture Source
ANSWER: a young mistress (concubine) of an old man

But what is the literal meaning of 등글개첩?

Well, 등 means back, and 긁다 means to scratch, so the 등글 in 등글개첩 literally means back scratching, but I think there are three possibilities for the meaning of 개첩.

First, 개 is a pure Korean suffix that means machine or instrument, as in the Korean word for wing, which literally means a flying (날) instrument (개). That means 등글개 could be translated as a back (등) scratching (글) instrument / machine (개). And since 첩(妾) means concubine, that would mean 등글개첩 would be translated as a concubine who is a back-scratching machine. The suggestion is that a young concubine would have few other duties but to scratch an old man's back since old men typically have lost much of their desire for sex.

Second, 애첩(愛妾) is a Sino-Korean word that means one's (favorite) concubine. It literally means a loved (愛) concubine (妾). When the 긁 in 긁다 is placed in front of 애첩, the combination would be pronounced /글개첩/ since the ㄱ in the bottom half of 긁 would attach to the 애 in 애첩 to form 개. Therefore, 등글개첩 could be translated as a favorite back-scratching concubine.

Third, since 등글개첩 means a YOUNG concubine of an old man, it seems possible that 애첩 could mean young concubine since 애 is a pure Korean suffix that means young, as in 애호박, which means a young (애) pumpkin (호박), or 애벌레, which means a young (애) insect (벌레) or larva. As was the case with the 애 in 애첩(愛妾),  favorite concubine, the ㄱ in 긁 would also attach to the 애 meaning young to form 개; therefore, 등글개첩 would translate as a young back-scratching concubine.

Of the three above suggestions for the literal meaning of 등글개첩, I personally like the first one: a concubine who is a back-scratching machine.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What does 묏자리 mean?

ANSWER: grave site 

뫼 is the pure Korean word for grave, and 자리 is the pure Korean word for a site, so together the two pure Korean words form the word 묏자리, which means a grave site. Do not confuse 뫼 with 묘(墓), which is the Sino-Korean word for grave. The Sino-Korean equivalent of 묏자리 would be 묘소 (墓所) or 산소 (山所). 묘소 is the more polite form of 산소.

The video below tells the folktale of a family who wanted to set up a grave site on their family's private mountain. Koreans traditionally like to bury their loved ones on the sunny sides of mountains. However, besides a mountain, this family also had a boggy pool of water on their land which would always reflect on the surface of the water the places on the mountain the family wanted to use as possible grave sites. A reflection of a grave site on water apparently violated a rule of Korean geomancy, which is a method of divination that is used to find good sites to build on. The belief is that it would be bad luck to build on a wrong site.

The boggy pool of water on the Shin family land prevented the family from setting up a grave site on their mountain, so the family considered the water to be their enemy and started calling the body of water 웬수물, which means enemy (웬수) water (물). 웬수 is a dialectal version of 원수 (怨讐), which is a Sino-Korean word for enemy.

“웬수물 설화” “The Tale of the Enemy Water” 

옛날 옛적 고척동에는 커다란 웅덩이가 있었어요. 이 웅덩이는 산수가 아주 빼어난 신씨네의 산에 있었답니다. 신씨는 산수가 빼어난 이곳을 묏자리로 쓰고 싶었어요. 

Once upon a time in Gocheok-dong, there was a large boggy pool of water. This pool of water was near the Shin family mountain, which was quite scenic. Because the place was so scenic, the Shin family wanted to use it for a grave site. 

그런데 이 산에 묏자리를 잡으려고 할 때마다 웅덩이에 자꾸 산이 비쳐 자리를 잡기가 어려웠어요. 결국 이 산에 묏자리를 쓰지 못 하게 된 신씨는 이 호 웅덩이를 웬수물이라고 부르기 시작했답니다. 

However, each time the family tried to set up a grave site on the mountain, it would always be reflected on the boggy pool of water, making it difficult to find a site. In the end, the mountain could not be used for a grave site, so it is said the Shin family started calling their boggy pool of water "enemy water." 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What is a 도당제?

ANSWER: a religious ceremony performed to the guardian deity of a village.

도당(都堂) refers to the altar used to make sacrifices to a village's guardian deity (수호신), and 제 (祭) is the same 제 in 제사 (祭祀), which translates as religious service or sacrificial rites.

The folktale told in the video below supposedly happened long ago in a place that is now part of the Guro District (구로구) of Seoul.

개봉동 느티나무 설화
The Tale of the Gaebong-dong Zelkova Tree
옛날 옛적 개웅산 아래에 개웅마을에서 신랑 신부가 혼례를 올리게 되었어요. 혼례를 마친 신랑은 말을 신부는 가마를 타고 신방(新房)으로 향했답니다

Once upon a time beneath Mount Gaeung in the Village of Gaeung, a groom and bride were married. After finishing the wedding ceremony, it is said that the groom mounted a horse, and the bride a palanquin, and headed in the direction of their bridal room.

마을 어귀에는 느티나무 앞을 지날 때이었어요. 갑자기 신랑이 말의 다리가 땅에 붙어 꼼짝은 못하게 되었어요. 신랑 신부는 느티나무에게 인사를 올리고 나서야 무사히 지나갈 있었답니다.

At the entrance to the village, while passing a zelkova tree, the legs of the horse the groom was riding suddenly froze in place and would not budge. It is said that only after the groom and bride had bowed to the zelkova tree that they were able to pass safely.

이후 마을에서는 신비로운 느티나무에 도당제(都堂祭) 지내면서 마을의 안녕을 기원했답니다.

It is said that afterwards the villagers, while performing sacrificial rites, would pray to the mysterious zelkova tree for peace and well-being.

Monday, December 17, 2018

What does 원님 mean?

ANSWER:  원님 (員님) was the polite way to address the administrative heads of towns, counties, and districts in the provinces during the Joseon Kingdom era. The 원(員) comes from 관원(官員), which means government official, and 님 is a polite suffix that was added to 원(員) to make it a polite form of address.

The following video tells the story of an official (원님) who came face to face with a ghost during the Yi Dynasty (Joseon Kingdom). The official had just been assigned to be the administrative head (원님) of Cheonwang-dong (천왕동), which was a place that is now located in the Guro District (구로구) of Seoul. The official came face-to-face with a ghost named 하연(河演), who had previously been a prime minister during the time of King Sejong and had recently died. The ghost came to complain about people illegally cutting down trees near his grave. Though the ghost had visited previous officials (원님) of Cheonwang-dong to ask their help, they had all been so terrified upon seeing the ghost that they all fainted and died. This official was the first that was brave enough to face the ghost and hear his grievance. Meanwhile, an innocent man was awaiting execution for the deaths of the previous officials.

There is a problem in the last sentence of the Korean story since it was written as if the magistrate received the pardon instead of the man who had been falsely accused of murdering the previous magistrates. In the translation, I fixed it by filling in the subject of the final clause.

"천왕동 하정승 설화"
"The Tale of Cheonwang-dong's Minister Ha"

옛날 옛적 천왕동에서 있었던 일이에요. 이 곳에 원님이 부임하면 당도한 첫날밤에 죽는 일이 계속 일어났어요. 나라에서는 걱정이 이만저만 아니었답니다. 그래서 사형 선고을 받은 사람을 이 곳 원님으로 보내기로 했어요. 

This happened in Cheonwang-dong long, long ago. Whenever a new magistrate was assigned to this place, each would die on the first night after his arrival, causing no small amount of anxiety in the country. This resulted in a man receiving a death sentence and being scheduled to appear before the magistrate of this place.

새롭게 부임하게 된 원님은 첫날밤 촛불을 밝히고 무슨 일이 일어날까 걱정하며 기다리고 있었어요. 밤이 깊어지자 갑자기 촛불이 휙 꺼졌고 눈 앞에 한 선비가 나타났어요.

On his first night, the newly assigned magistrate had the candle fire burning brightly as he anxiously waited for something to happen. Late in the night, the candle fire was suddenly swooshed out, and a scholarly gentleman appeared before the eyes of the magistrate.

그 선비는 자신의 묘에 자꾸 도벌꾼이 들어와 나무를 마구 베어 가고 있다고 말했어요. 그리고 원님이 일을 막아내 준다면 그 선비도 원님을 도와주겠다고 했어요. 

The gentleman said that tree thieves were frequently coming to his grave and indiscriminately chopping down the trees there and carrying them away. And he said that if the magistrate would stop it from happening, he would help the magistrate. 

원님은 도벌꾼들을 찾아내서 벌을 주었고 죄를 사면 받게 되어 행복하게 살았답니다. 

It is said that the magistrate caught and punished the tree thieves, and that [the innocent man] was pardoned and lived happily ever after. 

Wow! Who is this guy?

ANSWER: I'm not sure, but his spoken Korean is amazing.

The guy's name is Dan, and he has a YouTube channel with a guy named Joel. Some of their videos are a little too silly for me, but I like the one below, which is more serious. However, judging from their 193,000 YouTube subscribers, I would say their videos are quite popular with many people. Tonight was the first time I had ever seen any of their videos, which apparently suggests I am out of touch.

One reason I think their videos are so popular is that they have both English and Korean subtitles. That's why I like them. Another reason is that their videos show them out and about in Korean society drawing all kinds of attention to themselves while also giving viewers a good firsthand look at Korean culture, using conversational Korean. And finally, many of their subscribers probably like them because they are just as amazed as I am at how fluently Dan speaks Korean. Joel seems to be more of a beginning/intermediate-level learner. Because Dan is so fluent in Korean and because both he and Joel interact with Koreans, watching their videos is a good way to learn conversational Korean, especially since their videos have subtitles.

In the video below, Dan says he came to Korea in 2012, which suggests that he has only been studying Korean for about six years. That really surprises me because he speaks Korean so smoothly. I can speak Korean, but my Korean intonation is not as smooth as Dan's seems to be. I might look through his videos to see if I can find one that explains how he learned to speak Korean so well. By the way, Dan does a good job in the following video of interviewing the Korean woman, who is interesting and seems quite intelligent and sincere.

For those who are interested in watching Dan and Joel make an impression on Koreans, good or bad, you can find their YouTube Channel HERE.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

What does 정려문 (旌閭門) mean?

ANSWER: gates or structures erected by the royal court during the Joseon Kingdom to acknowledge the filial piety of people and families

정려문 (旌閭門) literally means a [royally] bannered (旌) village (閭) gate (門). It can refer to both gates or shines erected by the Joseon court to commemorate a person in a village who had lived an exemplary life as a devoted son, daughter-in-law, or wife. They were also erected to commemorate people who were recognized as loyal servants to the royal court.

If such a structure were erected as a gate to a house or to a village, it would have probably been referred to a 문(門), but if it were erected as a separate roofed structure built as a shine, it would have probably been referred to as 각(閣). A shine labeled 孝子閣 (효자각) would have been commemorating a devoted son, one labeled 孝烈閣 (효열각) would have been commemorating a devoted son and daughter, and one labeled 烈女閣 (열녀각) would have been commemorating a devoted wife.

The following video tells the story of a village that had four gates or shines that were accidentally burned down by children who were trying to catch birds.

"새 잡다 소실된 정려각 설화"
"A Tale of Bannered Shines Lost to Fire Because of Bird-Catching"

옛날 조선 시대 오류동은 효자 마을로 명성이 높았어요. 곳에 살던 윤씨 집안에서는 효자들이 줄을 이어 나왔고 조정에서는 이를 칭찬하기 위해 정려문(旌閭門) 실나 보냈답니다.
During the time of the Joseon Kingdom, Oryu-dong was highly renowned as a village of devoted sons. It is said that the royal court sent as many as four bannered gates there to honor the fact that the Yun family, who lived in the village, had successive generations of devoted sons.
그러던 어느 동네 개구쟁이들이 정려문 근처에서 새를 잡기 위해 불을 놓게 되었어요. 정려 가계(家系) 그만 큰불이 나버렸고 정려문이 무두 불에 사라져 버렸어요. 마을의 정려문은 모두 사라졌지만 효도 정신은 지금까지도 지켜 내려오고 있답니다.

Then one day, mischievous children in the village set fire to an area near the bannered gates in an attempt to catch birds. The family lineage of the bannered gates was soon engulfed in flames. All four of the bannered gates were burned to ashes. Though the bannered gates of the village have all disappeared, it is said that the spirit of filial piety continues in the village even today.