Friday, December 09, 2005

What's the difference between 합죽선 & 태극선

A 합죽선(合竹扇) is a "folding fan," and a 택극선(太極扇) is a regular fan with a 태극 symbol on it. Here are the Chinese characters for a 합죽선:
  • 合(합) join; combine
  • 竹(죽) bamboo
  • 扇(선) fan

Instead of linking to boring photos of the fans, how about these nice drawings?

I think THIS is a great little site, not only because of the beautiful drawings, but also because of the culture it teaches.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, Pilgrim.

    After reading that you were clicking through the images "flash-card" style, I looked at the images again and noticed the small 3-colored bar in the uppper left-hand corners of the drawings. It turns out that the bar is "backward-index-forward" navigation buttons. I had not noticed it before. Anyway, it makes navigating through the images much easier.


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