Sunday, May 30, 2021

Does 포경 (包莖) mean "whale hunting"?


I use Naver's dictionaries all the time, but today I found a mistake HERE in the site's Korean-English dictionary, which mistakenly defined 포경 (包莖) as "whaling" or "whale hunting." Though there is a Sino-Korean word 포경 (捕鯨) that means "whale hunting," it is formed with different Chinese characters than 포경 (包莖), which is a medical condition called "phimosis" that sometimes occurs with uncircumcised penises.  

포경 (捕鯨), the word for "whale hunting," literally means "to catch (捕) whales (鯨)," while 포경 (包莖), the word for "phimosis," literally means "a wrapped (包) stalk (莖)," which refers to an uncircumcised penis.

The Korean word for "circumcision" is 포경수술 (包莖手術), which literally means "a wrapped (包) stalk (莖) operation (手術)," and that is essentially an operation that unwraps the upper part of the "wrapped stalk."

Actually, 수술 (手術), the Korean word for "operation," literally means "hand or manual (手) method or technique (術)." The 술 (術) in 수술 (手術) is the same 술 used in 기술 (技術), which my Korean-English dictionary defines as "art," "technique," "ability," "skill," or "(technical) know-how."

From Naver's Online Korean-English dictionary

From Dong-A's Prime Korean-English Dictionary

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