Monday, September 17, 2018

Right or Left?

In my Korean-Korean dictionary, the first definition for 오른쪽 (right) is as follows:
동쪽을 향하였을 때, 남쪽에 해당하는 방향
the direction corresponding to south when facing east 
The problem with the above definition is that it assumes a person already knows which way is east. If a person does not know right from left, can we really assume he or she would know east from west?

The first definition for 남쪽 (south) in my Korean-Korean dictionary is as follows:
해돋는 쪽을 향하여 오른쪽이 되는 방향
the direction that becomes the right side when facing the direction of the rising sun
 The problem with the definition for south is that it assumes a person already knows right from left.

So what is my point? My point is that the people who wrote the definitions seem to have written them for children who cannot read. Children who can read the definitions would most likely already know right from left and north from south and not need such explanations.

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