Saturday, January 05, 2019

What Korean tree names should you know?

ANSWER: Those in the list below

A great resource for Korean language learners is a Korean-English terminology dictionary by Lee Jin-yeong (이진영) entitled "이진영의 동시통역 기초사전," which translates as "Lee Jin-yeong's Beginning Dictionary for Simultaneous Interpretation," but the English title on the dictionary is "Korean-English Terminology for Beginners."

Though the title says the dictionary is "for beginners," it is really a dictionary for anyone, from beginners to advanced learners. The dictionary gives concise and accurate translations of terminology used in twenty-four different major categories: 1) Society, 2) Culture, 3) Media & Advertising, 4) Sports and Leisure, 5) Education, 6) Religion, 7) Public Administration, 8) Law, 9) Politics, 10) International Politics, 11) Security, 12) Economy, 13) Business, 14) Finance, 15) Trade, 16) Primary Industries, 17) Major Industries, 18) Energy, 19) Transportation, 20) Distribution, 21) Science & Technology, 22) Information & Communication, 23) Environment, & 24) Medicine.

The list of trees and bushy trees listed below were under 임업 (Forestry), a subcategory of the "Primary Industries" category.

My 2004 version of the dictionary has a total of 830 pages, including Korean and English indices in the back of the book. I paid only 25,000 won for my book soon after it came out, but a newer version of the dictionary, "이진영의 통역번역 기초사전," is now selling HERE on Amazon for $58, so it is now somewhat pricey. If you sign up with Bandi Books US, a Korean bookseller here in the U.S., you can get it for $36. See HERE.

Anyway, below is the list of common Korean trees and bushy trees from my dictionary. It would be good to learn these names since they are commonly mentioned in Korean literature and media, though I do not remember hearing or reading about the Rat Turd Tree (쥐똥나무), also called Amur privet.

I have added to the original list and made some changes:

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