Wednesday, October 02, 2019

How does Korean poet Kim So-yeon define the word 씨?

Korean poet Kim So-yeon, famous for her "Dictionary of the Mind" (마음 사전), has written a new dictionary entitled "Dictionary of Single Words" (한 글자 사전). Here is one entry from the dictionary; the English translation is mine:
그 안에 무엇이 들어 있는지
쪼개어 알아내는 것이 아니라
심고 물을 주어 알아내는 것

To find out what's inside,
it is not something you split open;
To find out what's inside,
it is something you plant and water.

"Dictionary of Single Words"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sunil, but my story is not that interesting. I think you should do an email interview with Ms. Kim So-yeon. That would be interesting.

    By the way, I approved your comment, even though it is not related to the topic, because I like your Web site and wanted to share the link with others.

    Take care.


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