ANSWER:23,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine in the past 65 days. That averages out to about 354 dead Russian soldiers for each day of the war.
Russian soldiers killed: 23,000
Russian Tanks Destroyed or Captured: 986
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 2,418
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 435
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 151
At least 918 Russian tanks have either been destroyed or captured in Ukraine in the past 62 days. That averages out to about 15 destroyed or captured Russian tanks a day. I have read that Ukraine now has more tanks on the battlefield than Russia does thanks to all the captured Russian tanks.
ANSWER: No! Driving the Russian invaders out of Ukraine does not seem to be the "policy objective" of the Biden Administration. Their objective is to protect NATO, and they seem willing to sacrifice Ukrainians to do it.
In the following interview, when asked directly if the U.S. policy objective right now was "for Ukraine to defect Russia," the Deputy National Security Advisor for the Biden Administration said the following:
So, I can say our objective is to continue to enable the types of activity that allowed the Ukrainians to win a victory in the battle for Kyiv. Russia intended to take over the capital of Ukraine, to topple the Ukrainian government. The Ukrainians won that battle. We think that exact approach is going to be the way we follow through in the battles ahead, now focused on the south and the east.
After hearing that very vague response, the reporter asked again, "By that logic, is the broader policy goal to see Ukraine defeat Russia writ large?"
The response from the Deputy National Security Advisor was the following:
In our view, Russia has already lost, has already lost many of its initial war aims. They have intended to divide the West. They have resulted in a West and a NATO alliance that is much more united than it's ever been. They thought that they would unsettle, and undermine, and maybe even overthrow the Ukrainian government. President Zelenskyy is firmly entrenched in power and the Ukrainian democracy continues. Russia is more isolated in the world. Its economy is weaker. They are failing at virtually every one of their initial objectives. And our objective is going to be to continue that trend.
"Russia has already lost"? What does that mean? That means that the Biden Administration does not really care if Russians stay in Ukraine as long as they do not invade NATO-member countries. In other words, the policy goal of the Biden Administration is to protect NATO, not Ukraine, and by dragging out the fighting in Ukraine for as long as possible they hope not only to weaken the Russian military but also keep them too distracted to think about invading NATO-member countries.
In summary, the Biden Administration and NATO are essentially using the blood of Ukrainians to protect NATO and the United States, which I think is shameful.
Only when Ukrainians are on the verge of driving the Russian invaders out of Ukraine will the spineless Biden Administration suddenly change its "policy objective" to one of Ukraine driving out the Russian invaders.
ANSWER:Ten Russian generals have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded Ukraine 60 days ago. That averages out to one dead Russian general every six days. In total, 21,600 Russian invaders have been killed in Ukraine in the past 60 days, which averages out to 360 dead Russian soldiers a day.
ANSWER:21,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the first 56 days of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, which is 400 more than 2 days ago. That averages out to 375 dead Russian soldiers for each day of the war.
Russian soldiers killed: 21,000, which is 400 more than 2 days ago
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 829, which is 39 more than 2 days ago
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 2188, which is 47 more than 2 days ago
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 393, which is 12 more than 2 days ago
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 136, which is 6 more than 2 days ago
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 67, which is the same as 2 days ago
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 172, which is 5 more than 2 days ago
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 151, which is 4 more than 2 days ago
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,508, which is 21 more than 2 days ago
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 8, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, which is the same as 2 days ago
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 166, which is 11 more than 2 days ago
ANSWER: 20,600 Russian soldiers have been killed in the first 54 days of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, which is 300 more than yesterday. That averages out to 381 dead Russian soldiers for each day of the invasion.
Russian soldiers killed: 20,600, which is 300 more than yesterday
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 790, which is 34 more than yesterday
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 2041, which is 39 more than yesterday
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 381, which is 5 more than yesterday
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 130, which is 3 more than yesterday
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 67, which is 1 more than yesterday
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 167, which is 4 more than yesterday
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 147, which is 1 more than yesterday
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,487, which is 16 more than yesterday
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 8, the same as yesterday
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, which is the same as yesterday
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 155, which is 7 more than yesterday
Here is a video of photo evidence of Russian aircraft loses in Ukraine from February 24 to March 12:
ANSWER:Yes! Biden's sending in the U.S. military to save the Ukrainians from being murdered, tortured, raped, and even exterminated by Putin's solders is the only thing that will help Democrats in November, especially if the Republicans just keep talking about Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton.
Ukraine is not Afghanistan. The Ukrainians want us there to help them drive out the invading Russians. Screw Germany and NATO if they don't want to help. If the United States sends U.S. troops into Ukraine, I think Poland and other countries that are also threatened by Putin will also send troops. If Putin is not stopped now, he will just continue killing and raping Ukrainians until there are no Ukrainians left to kill and rape. Then he will go on to the next country, probably Moldova or even Poland.
Biden needs to take some time off from his weekly vacations to Camp David and his home in Delaware to find Ukraine on a map and then to watch news reports about what is going on there. The United States and Europe seem to be making the same mistake with Putin that they made with Hitler.
Also, sending U.S. troops into Ukraine to stop Putin would send a strong message to Communist China not to follow Putin's lead by invading Taiwan.
But do I think Biden is smart enough to do any of this? Hell no! He is the genius who screwed up our withdrawal from Afghanistan and who is letting anyone from around the world, including criminals and terrorists, come into the United States illegally through our southern border. And Biden is also the genius who essentially invited Putin to invade Ukraine by saying beforehand that the United States would not do anything to stop him.
ANSWER:20,300 Russian soldiers have been killed in the first 53 days of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. That means that 300 more Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine in the past 3 days.
Russian soldiers killed: 20,300, which is 300 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 756, which is 17 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 2002, which is 31 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 376, which is 10 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 127, which is 5 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 66, which is the same as 3 days ago
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 163, which is 2 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 146, which is 2 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,471, which is 28 more than just 3 days ago
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 8, which is the same as 3 days ago
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, which is the same as 3 days ago
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 148, which is 13 more than just 3 days ago
ANSWER:I don' know, and neither does Ret. Lt. General Ben Hodges, the former commanding general of the U.S. Army in Europe, who thinks that the Biden Administration should be talking about winning the war in Ukraine and doing more to make sure that happens. The general says that the weapons the Biden Administration is sending to Ukraine is not enough, and he wonders what the objective of the United States is in Ukraine.
General Hodges:
I would say that I do not hear the Administration talking about "winning." I'm reluctant to say that the Administration doesn't want them to win, but what needs to be stated is what is our objective, the United States'. You know we are not just observers cheering for Ukraine here. This is about democracy across Europe and stopping an autocracy. And, of course, the Chinese are watching. So, there are implications well beyond Mariupol or even Kyiv. And so, if the United States were to say, "We want to win," that means all Russian forces back to pre-24-February, all Ukrainians who have been deported brought back home immediately, a long-term commitment to the full restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty--that means Crimea and Donbas. And then finally breaking the back of Russia's ability to project power outside of Russia: to threaten Georgia, to threaten Moldova, to threaten our Baltic allies.
If true, it would mean eight Russian generals have been killed in Ukraine in the past 51 days. That would average out to about one dead Russian general every six days.
Here is a video that mentions the death of Russian's 8th general in Ukraine, which means that Russia has lost about 30% of its generals to the war in Ukraine.
ANSWER:Because world leaders keep asking him questions that he has already answered.
Why have world leaders asked President Zelenskyy questions that he has already answered? Because they were stalling for time. President Zelenskyy had asked for weapons to defend Ukraine from Putin's invasion, but world leaders were afraid to give him the weapons he needed, fearing what Putin might do. The world leaders were hoping that Ukrainians would just surrender to Putin, which would have allowed them to ignore Zelenskyy's request for weapons, but when Ukrainians did not surrender, world leaders were forced to pretend they did not hear his request for weapons the first time.
Here is what President Zelenskyy said in a recent interview with "The Atlantic":
When some leaders ask me what weapons I need, I need a moment to calm myself, because I already told them the week before. It's Groundhog Day. I feel like Bill Murray.
World leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden, have been slow to give President Zelenskyy the weapons he needs to stop Putin from killing Ukrainians, and that dithering by world leaders has frustrated the Ukrainian president.
ANSWER:Yes, and you can also get arrested for holding up a copy of the Russian novel "War and Peace."
Putin has managed to create a Russian-speaking North Korea, and it seems Communist China is on the path to creating a Chinese-speaking North Korea. What surprises me is that India also seems to want to join the Putin club.
Totalitarianism is alive and well, and the new dictators of the 21st century seem to be trying awfully hard to match the brutality of those of the 20th century. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Mussolini seem to have been reincarnated, and Europe and the United States seem not to have learned the lessons of the 20th century. We should be giving Ukrainians everything they need to defeat Putin, and we should have given it to them weeks or even months ago.
What makes all of this even worse is that the so-called "Leader of the Free World" is mentally incompetent.
ANSWER:20,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine in the past 50 days. That averages out to 400 Russian soldiers dying each day of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Here are more Russian loses in the first 50 days of Putin's invasion of Ukraine:
Russian soldiers killed: 20,000
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 756
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 1,976
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 366
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 122
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 66
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 163
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 144
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,443
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 8, including a guided missile cruiser that was the flagship of Putin's Black Sea fleet
ANSWER:The following video reports that some people are wondering if there were nuclear warheads on the Russian ship "Moscow" when it sank. Also, the video reports that Ukraine claims that the captain of the Russian ship was killed during the attack.
ANSWER:Apparently, they do. The photo is referring to the fact that Ukrainian farmers have been hauling away abandoned or destroyed Russian tanks and military vehicles in Ukraine to be reused or sold for scrap. The photo was taken from HERE.
Actually, I have noticed that Ukrainian soldiers seem to have a very good sense of humor and enjoy mocking the many failures of their Russian invaders.
ANSWER:Only if Putin's plan was to have 20,000 Russian soldiers killed, including 7 Russian generals, and thousands of military vehicles and aircraft captured or destroyed, including about 740 Russian tanks, 2,000 armored combat vehicles, 150 aircraft, and 140 helicopters. And was it Putin's plan to have the Russian guided missile cruisier "Moskva" (Moscow), the flagship of his Black Sea fleet, sunk by two Ukrainian missiles?
The video below was attained from the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces on April 13, which was the same day that Russia lost a guided missile cruiser to Ukrainian missiles, so April 13 was apparently not a good day for the Russian invaders.
ANSWER:That is what is being reported HERE and HERE.
The Russian guided missile cruisier Moskva (Moscow) was supposedly hit by two Ukrainian cruise missiles sometime today (April 13). The ship has supposedly sent out a Morse Code SOS saying that it is sinking and that the crew have been evacuated. If the crew of nearly 500 have indeed been evacuated, then that would imply that they have given up on trying to save the ship from sinking.
If all of this is true, then Ukraine will have to update the number of Russian ships sunk from 7 to 8.
UPDATE: According to some sources, as reported by the Daily Mail HERE, this is what happened to the Russian guided missile cruisier Moskva (Moscow):
According to those sources, Moskva was sailing in the Black Sea between the Ukrainian port cities of Odesa and Mykolaiv when it was targeted on Wednesday evening.
Ukraine reportedly used Turkish-made Bayraktar drones to distract the ship's missile defences, allowing two Neptune missiles fired from a coastal battery to sneak through.
They struck the ship on the port side, the sources claimed, causing it to partially roll over. Choppy conditions at sea combined with the roll meant the ship began taking on water.
Due to fears that the ship's ammunition could detonate, the Moskva was evacuated and has now sunk, the sources added.
ANSWER:They take a break and take some video of the tanks they destroyed.
The Ukrainians have so far destroyed or captured 725 Russian tanks and 1,923 combat armored vehicles, which makes me wonder why Putin keeps sending the Ukrainians more Russian tanks and armored vehicles to destroy?
Russia supposedly has 12,000 tanks, which would mean that the Ukrainians have already destroyed more than 6 percent of Russia's total tank force. Will Putin keep sending Russian tanks into Ukraine until he has none left?
ANSWER:19,300 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine since Putin's forces invaded on February 24, 2022. I wonder how many Russian soldiers will have been killed in Ukraine by the time of Russia's May 9th parade, still a month away. 40,000?
Here are the number of men and equipment Russia has lost in Ukraine since its February 24th invasion. Russian POWs are not listed since Ukraine does not seem to be reporting POW numbers anymore.
Russian soldiers killed: 19,300, up from 18,600 just 4 days ago, which means that 700 more Russian soldiers have died in the past 4 days
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 722, up from 684 just 4 days ago
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 1,911, up from 1,861 just 4 days ago
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 342, up from 332 just 4 days ago
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 108, up from 107 just 4 days ago
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 55, the same as 4 days ago
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 152, up from 150 just 4 days ago
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 137, up from 135 just 4 days ago
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,384, up from 1,322 just 4 days ago
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 7, the same as 4 days ago
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, the same as 4 days ago
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 112, up from 96 just 4 days ago
ANSWER:Like what the Biden Administration official is saying in the video below. By the way, "BS" is another way of saying "nonsense," and it is used a lot by people who screw up and then try to make people believe they did not screw up. It is also used a lot by people who try to take credit for something they did not do.
ANSWER:Yes, Poland is a NATO-member country, but many in Poland do not seem to trust their NATO membership to protect them, especially after seeing how spinelessly NATO has responded to the invasion of Ukraine.
NATO seems willing to give Ukraine to Putin in exchange for Putin's promise not to attack NATO-member countries and not to aggravate "climate change" by using nuclear weapons. But what if Putin wants another country after Ukraine, even if it is a NATO-member country? Will the remaining NATO-member countries try to negotiate with Putin again by saying, "Okay, you can have one more country, but you have to promise not to nuke the rest of us."
ANSWER:To give Ukraine only token military support, which essentially means that NATO is willing to give Ukraine only enough military support to allow it to lose the war more slowly but not enough to allow it to win the war.
Why is NATO's response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine so weak? Because NATO is afraid of what Putin might do if his invasion of Ukraine fails. What does NATO's weak response say about NATO? That NATO is spineless and pretty much useless.
Even if Putin invaded a NATO-member country like Poland, for example, I wonder how much support NATO would give Poland? Would it also be just token support?
When Poland offered to give Ukraine some MIG fighter aircraft, the United States first supported the idea until Poland asked that the aircraft be transferred to Ukraine from a U.S. military base in Germany. That is when the United States suddenly decided that the idea was a bad idea.
Why did Poland not want to transfer the MIGs directly from Poland? Because I think Poland suspected that NATO and the United States would not come to its aid if Putin attacked Poland for transferring the aircraft directly from Poland to Ukraine. The fact that the United States and NATO suddenly changed their minds about giving Ukraine the MIGs is evidence that Poland's suspicions were correct.
ANSWER:They don't seem to like him, and many think he is a war criminal. And it seems that many Russians who feel the same way are fleeing Russia for Georgia, which was also invaded by Putin in 2008.
ANSWER:It looks pretty dangerous. From what I have read, DJI drones signal location, including the location of the pilot, and that allows both the pilot and the drone to be easily targeted.
ANSWER:"Bayraktar" is the name of a Turkish-made drone that the Ukrainians have been using quite successfully to destroy the tanks and other military vehicles of the Russians invading Ukraine. The Ukrainians like the drone so much that they have written a song praising it. You need to click the closed captions (CC) button to see the English lyrics of the song.
ANSWER:The older guys are members of the bandPink Floyd, and the younger guy is Ukrainian Andriy Khlyvnyuk, who is singing the Ukrainian song "The Red Viburum in the Meadow," which was famous 100 years ago when Ukrainian Sich riflemen were defending Ukraine from Russian Bolsheviks.
ANSWER:I don't know, but they seem to be doing it quite often.
Are the Ukrainians attacking Russian tanks with captured Russian tanks so that the Russians cannot tell friendly from unfriendly? Or are Russian tank crews all sleeping off vodka hangovers from the night before? Anyway, it seems that one of the worst jobs to have in Ukraine these days is "Russian Tank Driver."
ANSWER:Ukrainian troops are supposedly attacking a Russian artillery unit in the Kherson region of Ukraine. Notice how the Russian trucks seem to be driving around in circles to avoid being hit, though they are still getting hit.
ANSWER:No, it will only cause more Russian soldiers to die because Ukrainians will want revenge.
If the Russian soldiers are intentionally killing Ukrainian civilians, one can assume they are killing Ukrainian soldiers instead of taking them captive. So, the Ukrainians may also start killing Russian soldiers instead of taking them captive.
I don't know what it means, but I have noticed that the reported number of Russian POWs in Ukraine has stayed at "600+" for at least a week while the number of Russians killed in Ukraine continues to increase. That might suggest that Russian soldiers are no longer being taken prisoner or that fewer of them are being taken prisoner.
According to an article HERE, the Russians are not reporting on how many Ukrainians they have taken prisoner, so maybe the Ukrainians have also decided to stop reporting on how many Russians they have taken prisoner.
ANSWER: 18,600 Russian invaders have been killed in Ukraine, up from 18,300 just 2 days ago. That means that in just 2 days 300 more Russian soldiers died in Ukraine.
Russian soldiers captured (POWs): Still listed as more than 600
Russian soldiers killed: 18,600, up from 18,300 just 2 days ago
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 684, up from 647 just 2 days ago
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 1,861, up from 1,844 just 2 days ago
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 332, up from 330 just 2 days ago
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 107, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 55, up from 54 just 2 days ago
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 150, up from 147 just 2 days ago
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 135, up from 134 just 2 days ago
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,322, up from 1,273 just 2 days ago
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 7, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 96, up from 92 just 2 days ago
Russian Special Equipment Destroyed: 25, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Missile Launchers (OTRK/TRK) Destroyed: 4, the same as 3 days ago
ANSWER:Yes, Ukrainians do not want to waste their precious missiles on cheap Russian military junk. Tanks are good targets but so are "Buratino" rocket launchers.
ANSWER:I suspect that Biden will not give Ukraine the heavy weapons and aircraft it needs to defeat Russia no matter how many Ukrainians die, because not only is Biden incapable of thinking past his nose he also seems insensitive to the suffering of others. Remember that Biden was the halfwit who yanked US troops out of Afghanistan without first getting U.S. citizens safely out of there. If Biden does not even care about the safety of U.S. citizens, why would anyone think he cares about the safety of Ukrainians?
Biden is just a weak, simple-minded, cold-hearted politician who only cares about himself. Biden is not a leader; he is a follower, and right now he is following the weak-kneed Europeans. If the European countries decide to give Ukraine aircraft and heavy weapons, then maybe, just maybe, Biden will follow their lead, but I fear that he might sacrifice the Ukrainians to get an Iran nuclear deal with the support of the Russians. In the meantime, he will just talk and talk and talk, and take lots of naps.
ANSWER:18,300 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine as of April 4, 2022, up from 17,700 on April 1. That means that over the past three days 600 more Russian soldiers were killed in Ukraine.
Russian soldiers captured (POWs): Still listed as more than 600
Russian soldiers killed: 18,300, up from 17,700 just 3 days ago
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 647, up from 625 just 3 days ago
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 1,844, up from 1,751 just 3 days ago
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 330, up from 316 just 3 days ago
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 107, up from 96 just 3 days ago
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 54, the same as 3 days ago
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 147, up from 143 just 3 days ago
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 134, up from 131 just 3 days ago
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,273, up from 1,220 just 3 days ago
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 7, the same as 3 days ago
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, the same as 3 days ago
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 92, up from 85 just 3 days ago
Russian Special Equipment Destroyed: 25, up from 24 just 3 days ago
Russian Missile Launchers (OTRK/TRK) Destroyed: 4, the same as 3 days ago
ANSWER:Yes, so many that it seems the Russian soldiers might have even been ordered to commit them. Shooting girls and women in the street, for example, and then intentionally running over them with tanks is a war crime, right?
ANSWER: The following ex-Russan oligarch, who knows Putin quite well, thinks that Putin literally went insane when he realized that Ukrainians were not welcoming his invaders and that that was why he started bombing Ukraine. He says that the only way to stop Putin is with force or with the threat of force. He also says that if Putin wins in Ukraine, NATO countries will be next.
That means that we cannot let Putin win in Ukraine, which means we need to give Ukraine ALL the weapons it needs to stop Putin.
ANSWER:Yes, watch the video below and focus on the woman.
Why is the woman in the video stupid? Because part of her argument for not helping Ukraine fight off Putin's invading army is that it is bad politics since elections in Australia are apparently just around the corner. So, winning an election in Australia is apparently more important to the woman than helping prevent the killing of women and children in Ukraine.
Actually, I think that is one of the reasons Biden is not helping Ukraine more than he is, because he is also thinking about U.S. elections in November.
ANSWER:YES! According to the Ukraine Air Force and the retired U.S. Air Force general in the video below, Ukraine needs modern fighter jets and air defense systems to stop Putin. What the U.S. is giving them now is not enough.
Biden needs to stop thinking of the invasion of Ukraine as an inconvenience and start thinking of it as a strategic opportunity to stop Russia, and China, from considering future invasions. The Ukrainians will stop Putin for us. They do not need U.S. troops in Ukraine to do it; they just need modern U.S. aircraft and heavy weapons, and the United States and Europe need Ukraine to win this war. China is watching.
ANSWER:That's what it looks like. The following video shows a long column of Russian military vehicles in the Belgorod region of Russia that are said to be headed for the Donbass region of Ukraine. I wonder if this time they remembered to put gas in their vehicles before starting their trip.
ANSWER:They are Ukrainian lovers separated by the war. Iuliia is the former press secretary of the President of Ukraine, and her fiancé Palvo, an advisor in the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy before the war, is now fighting on the front lines in Ukraine.
ANSWER:Because Biden is a halfwit who is cowed by Putin. Biden is not leader, not a man of action, not a man of deep thought; he is just a poorly trained parrot, a teleprompter reader.
ANSWER:17,700 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine, according to THIS SITE (WARNING: very graphic), and that is up from 17,300 just two days ago.
Russian soldiers captured (POWs): Still listed as more than 600
Russian soldiers killed: 17,700, up from 17,300 just two days ago
Russian Tanks Destroyed: 625, up from 605 just two days ago
Russian Combat Armored Vehicles Destroyed: 1,751, up from 1,723 just two days ago
Russian Artillery Systems Destroyed: 316, up from 305 just two days ago
Russian Multiple Rocket Systems Destroyed (MLRS): 96, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Air Defense Equipment Destroyed: 54, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Aircraft Destroyed: 143, up from 131 just 2 days ago
Russian Helicopters Destroyed: 131, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Vehicles Destroyed: 1,220, up from 1,184 just 2 days ago
Russian Ships / Boats Destroyed: 7, the same as 2 days ago
Russian Fuel Tanks: 76, up from 75 just 2 days ago
Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 85, up from 81 just 2 days ago
Russian Special Equipment Destroyed: 24, up from 21 just 2 days ago
Russian Missile Launchers (OTRK/TRK) Destroyed: 4, the same as 2 days ago
ANSWER:Ukrainians fighting back against Russian invaders, at least according to CNN.
That would suggest that the Biden Administration wants Ukrainians to just give up and turn over their country to Putin or to at least die slowly without causing Putin too much trouble since that would be more convenient for the Biden Administration.
Actually, I agree with the CNN Analyst, that the Biden Administration is hoping that Ukraine just gives up. That would explain why the Biden Administration is so slow to supply Ukraine with the high-tech weapons it needs to fight off Putin's army.
ANSWER:Because it seems to be a land of make-believe where most of the people are like little children who believe everything their lying Mickey-Mouse leader tells them. The reality is that their "best-of-the-best" die like all the rest, and they are dying senselessly to fulfill the insane dream of an evil leader.