ANSWER: Not according to the Chinese father below:
“Good Fortune
(吉), Bad Fortune (凶)”
有鴉集庭樹. 引頸而鳴. 兒叱之.
are (有) jackdaw crows (鴉) gathered
(集) [in a] garden (庭) tree (樹), stretching
out (引) [their] necks (頸) and (而) cawing
(鳴). A child (兒) shouts
(叱) [at] them (之).
父曰, 是何害?
[His] father
(父) asks (曰), “How
is this [what they are doing] (是何)
harmful (害)?
兒曰, 常聞人言, 鵲鳴吉, 鴉鳴凶. 今鳴者鴉也. 故叱之.
child (兒) says (曰), [I have]
always (常) heard
(聞) people (人) say (言) [that when]
magpies (鵲) cry (鳴), [it
is] lucky (吉), [but
when] jackdaw crows (鴉) cry (鳴), [it
is] unlucky (凶). Now (今) those
that are crying (鳴者) are jackdaw
crows (鴉), so (故) [I]
shouted (叱) [at]
them (之).
父曰人之智識遠勝於鳥. 尙不能預知吉凶. 而況鳥乎.
father (父) said (曰), “People’s
(人之) wisdom (智識) is far
(遠) superior (勝) than that
(於) [of] birds (鳥), yet (尙) [people]
cannot (不能) foresee
(預知) good fortune (吉) [or]
bad fortune (凶), much
less (而況) birds (鳥乎).