Wednesday, September 04, 2019

What does 과공비례 (過恭非禮) mean?

ANSWER: "being too polite is impolite"

The following story is used to teach that sometimes “being too polite or deferential (과공 過恭) is impolite (비례 非禮).”
As her daughter’s wedding draws near, a mother instructs her daughter on the proper respect to show her in-laws:
Mother: “Even though they are younger than you, you must always use “nim”(님) to show respect. So, address your sister-in-law’s husband as “Seobang-nim” (서방님) and your unmarried brother-in-law as “Doryeon-nim” (도련님). And never yell at them in front of adults. In fact, don’t even yell at the animals, like the dogs and pigs, in front of adults. Do you understand?”
Daughter: “Yes, mam.”
A few days after the wedding, the new daughter-in-law is outside when the family dog attacks and kills a chicken. On hearing the commotion, the mother-in-law comes outside and asks what happened. The daughter-in-law answers as follows:

“갯님이 닭님을 물어 닭님이 돌아가셨어요.”
“The honorable dog bit the honorable chicken, and the honorable chicken passed away.”

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